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  • Well the lady who sold them to me said I could imagine it stands for anything I wish... *shrugs*

    Free country, acd. :P
    My glasses say RBD all over the legs. I always think it stands for "really big dick," which I do not have. :)
    Look out, incoming quoll!!

    you would have gotten it like 5 minutes ago but i keep posting stuff to my own ridiculous
    looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool...r emember the tae kwon do instructor in napoleon dynamite? shes like that but IRL looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
    its just a fun group...thats ok im not offended :) i just started it up, but knowing my success with posts it'll flop!! lol
    maybe i should ditch channing tatum, as i don't know anything at all about him except that he photographs extraordinarily well. following your model i decided my totem should include the swan, scarlett o'hara, and roses. with a little bit of vomit on them, because my totem makes me vomit a little bit.
    i like german shepherds a lot, they're beautiful, i love seeing them with cops, they always look so serene. how did you come to tentatively know it was your spirit animal? i think my spirit animal is channing tatum.
    like for example...victorian clothing... dapper... guess who??
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