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  • I can't say that I smoke any one brand regularly. I've been smoking Benson & Hedges blue, JPS blue, Alpine fine menthol, More - these are very girly cigarettes - they are almost twice the length of normal cigarettes, and half the diameter (covered in brown paper). I've also been rolling my own Peter Stuyvesant tobacco. While I was living in America a few years ago, I liked the Winston brand (additive free) and some snooty brand from New York that has a side-hinged box. (Can't remember its name).

    My brother, wanting me to quit gave me some nicotine gum. Now I'm addicted to smoking and chewing gum... sometimes at the same time. I should buy the lightest, nastiest smokes out there - the kind that you have to smoke about twenty of to get a single milligram of nicotine. The last time I did that I went off smoking for more than a year.

    [looking back over the text I've just written - that's a lot of text about smoking - I probably have to go outside and have one, to get them off my mind]
    O Holy Mother of God :::dusting off shoulders::: it's going to be a long night! I have some divorce paper bullshit I have to tidy up, but then it's on sista!
    Thanks for the reps! Are you suggesting we start the Blingee thread back up again?! :D
    I was seven or eight, and I heard a whisper in the middle of the night. I thought that it was just a curtain brushing the wall at first, but then I felt an essence around me and before I could say anything, he introduced himself to me and told me not to be afraid, and that I was going to have a very rough time for the next 8 years, and that they would be here always, whenever I needed him. I met my second one when I was fifteen, and I was walking alone in the evening, and she told me that I was here to heal, help, and teach others about Love, and Peace. Soon after she left me back to my wool gathering, I stumbled across a piece of quartz. I took it as a sign.
    Yes, my Guides. I guess spirit guide(s) would be the better wording. I seek them for guidance and strength in times of need, and I talk to at least one of them every day.
    That’s very kind of you to say. That said, know that I will be a student for the rest of my life, yours and others.
    /gives you a hug because you are not the hugging type/ok really because no you're awesome
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