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    is just an excuse to say
    "I fucking hate you"

    I'm not nearly drunk enough yet. MOAR TEQUILA POR FAVOR!
    hee its okay, I'm currently making up drunken passive aggressive haikus because its funny. I thinki'm going to make it a thread.
    And you're right, it isn't ok. Which is why I closed it. If he chooses to do it, he can post something in his blog. I can understand why it happened, because of some PA comments he threw out, but it isn't necessary to call anyone out publicly. I asked him if he was okay with it, however, and he wanted to keep it open. Which is why it was open for a while. But not if drama ensues.
    I'm such a freak show. People were like giving me rep or something and I'm like 'what the hell is that about?" It took me like a full half day for me to remember I'm supposed to say thank you and shit. Aww fairlytales are better than spring awakening. Oh vell. I had an idea for a fairytale about a reverse sleeping beauty where she kisses boys and puts them to sleep. then I remember we saw that movie and it was called Teeth. Good times.
    Ok, so I'm told by our mutual friend that our theme is 'Spring awakenings'. Deadline 1st May work for you? :D
    I have a feeling that some did that lol.

    My main issue with ISFP is that I do not see myself as Fi dominant. I might be Fe dominant (ENFJ) though.

    what does the acd mean?
    I'm thinking something based on fairytales, and perhaps Miss Demeanour can help us pick which one. What say you, Miss?:D
    heh, judging by the ridonkulousness of that thread, I wouldn't be the first one to make up some random shit. I'm going to tell people that I was born with purple hair as a result of an industrial accident and am descended from pirates. Yes that's a fine place to start. *strokes beard sagely*
    I think the theme for the found objects should be spring awakening. Yeah it's a cliche, but I find myself fascinated by the hints of green and pink I see around lately. Also I found this weird antique clip on earring made of pink rhinestones when I was walking to the store and I mistook it for a flower.

    Also I am waiting until i have enough posts to talk about myself again so I can start a blog. I'm going to call it "Death by MissAdventure." This forum is a graceful courtesan that doesn't show all of her goodies until you know her better. I just want to grab her by the shoulders and say "We've done this dance before, sweetheart" and kiss her roughly like I'm Clark Gable.
    Yes, I'm intensely bored, why do you ask?
    Now all i need is a nifty avatar and I can take over the world. And by the world imean this forum. Time to shake things up a little.
    Would you still like to have a competition with me to see who can make the most awesome thing out of found objects? :D
    I like your look-a-like.

    Just a few days ago I was in the store and the greeter lady let out a gasp, and then came up to me. Apparently for a quick second she thought I was Josh. Now if only people would pay me what they pay him...Or perhaps he's actually adopted and my mother has an illegitimate child I don't know about.
    I can imagine. *sympathetic nod* I know how bummed out I felt after Christmas. She's magnificent, isn't she? :) You'll always be welcome to visit, when she's here.
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