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  • hehe, I don't really think I'm the expert in warmth and gendle approaches. Not in real life that is ;-). I'm a bit the same as you when I'm annoyed by something. And I'm also annoyed by the "do you do this" treads where the OP NEVER gives her own opinion or show at least a fragment of her personality, the one that is hidden behind all the reason and logic. You really shaked her, she deleted two messages! And I Don't think it that is so bad, while and then :-). Your opinion was great and I agreed completely! x
    I guess it is a bigger issue than I thought - i forget that a senator in a state is almost like the president of a small country in Europe, for example. So it's already of great importance for many people...
    Sometimes I think you're made of 'awesome'.
    Can some sweet lovin' cure that grief?
    That would be cool.
    We'd have intense conversations about the merit of being sarcastic.
    yes I have a foster child in Peru, his name is Kevin. It is trough an organization called nuestros pequenos hermanos (our little brothers and sisters - They have orphanages in about 10 countries in Latin America. And I'm going to visite him in September :-)
    yup, drew it in pencil crayon :)
    Its a transparent, glowing orchid in a grotto at sunrise. I kinda ripped the idea off a game though, admittedly.
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