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  • i hope all that "wind" ain't coming from your nozzle.

    i think im being too hard on sali.
    are you lying again? in that case you're saying you take nothing back. so you're being a rebellious little aerosol can. whatever. destroy the ozone by yourself.
    ive never sued a swedish person before.

    i also do not know anymore if your name really is aerosol. i think i would need to see a birth certificate now.
    with whipped cream and a cherry and if you want to get really kinky we can call each other dirty names like "estj" and other crazy stuff I know swedes are into. You're surrounded by water by 2 sides, dear god you guys must be inventive.
    is that the same as abstinence? i dont want to get crabs.

    maybe lobster, i know a great lobster place. the biscuits are so fresh, its like an.... orgasm for your mouth. Whoa. Didn't mean to go there.

    just kidding. i did.
    It's the most populated city in my state (~480,000) people. My city is a giant suburb pretty much. I do like the weather though, I must say :D

    I feel like going somewhere more urban, for a change of pace/scenery/atmosphere. I went to New York for a Music Competition a few years back and LOVED it. If Chicago is anything like that, than :)
    I'm 4w5, but reconsidering...I might be a 2...

    I don't think enneagram is Type Specific, but I know a lot of ENFPS tend to be 9
    I'm doing fine, how are you?? The forum is great, everybody has good input I think. Purple is a great color, darker but still feminine. Pink hurts my eyes way too much!
    Well, everyone is different.
    But there is one Enneagram type, I don't recall which one, that encompasses all the other types within it. Maybe that is yours?
    Hmmm, it appears that you are a 3, but remember the result is just a suggestion. You could be a 6 for all we know. hmmm
    It's kind of an offset of the MBTI. Kind of like an alternative way of looking at who you are. Some like to compare their Type to their Enneagram for a consistency check, but it's not Type-Dependent.

    Anyways, enough of my rambling XD
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