Recent content by Afrelen

  1. Afrelen

    from a biblical framework, why do christians...

    To put it simply, the reason for Christ's humanity is so that God could justly reconcile and unify the nature of man to Himself. That is, human nature, post-fall, is to sin (or better put "not possible to not sin"). Sin, being by definition rebellion against God, cannot be present before God. If...
  2. Afrelen

    how were you as a child?

    INJ Traits They have vivid imaginations They're curious about everything, and are always asking "Why?" They enjoy spending time one-on-one with others, rather than in large groups They're often off in their own world, and have a dreamlike quality They enjoy art and music They love...
  3. Afrelen

    Autism Quotient.

    18 Wow... I'm average... wierd.
  4. Afrelen

    What is your love based on?

    Your Love is Based on Commitment You believe that love is something that develops and grows. You don't believe in love at first site, and you never mistake lust for love. For you, love is about mutual devotion, respect, and understanding. You don't feel comfortable in a...
  5. Afrelen

    What drug is your personality?

    Your Personality Is Like Acid A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict. One moment you're in your own little happy universe... And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! At your best: You understand the world completely, and every ordinary...
  6. Afrelen

    Brain Works Test

    Auditory : 57% Visual : 42% Left : 50% Right : 50% Your hemispheric dominance is equally divided between left and right brain, while you show a moderate preference for auditory versus visual learning, signs of a balanced and flexible person. Your balance gives...
  7. Afrelen

    Trading years of life

    I already run on the assumption that I'll be dead in 5 years, so no.
  8. Afrelen

    INFJ lads

    This is the point where the CDC needs to get involved. This is just too many people volunteering to be diseased.
  9. Afrelen

    The Swimming Pool Test

    You Are a Lucky Person You are cautious and slow to act. It takes you a long time to get used to ideas. You are happiest at any given time. You find so much to be happy about that you're usually quite content. You work at a pace that is comfortable to you. You can get...
  10. Afrelen

    Air Force

    Air Force
  11. Afrelen

    INFJ lads

    A shy fuck buddy? I'd be remissed to say I wasn't interested, but I'd want something a little more substantial than a fuck buddy. Those are a dime a dozen here.
  12. Afrelen

    do you "believe" in UFO's

    I voted no, but I generally "suspend my disbelief" on the subject. I really am not bothered by the thought, but I am bothered by the way so many people seem to come to it. Seems too much like some strange subconscious suggestion born out of some unified human feeling of longing for there to be...
  13. Afrelen

    What role do you play in the world?

    Heck yes!
  14. Afrelen

    What role do you play in the world?

    You Are the King You are natural leader. You like to rule, and people like to be ruled by you. You handle responsibility well. You enjoy providing for those who are loyal to you. You master anything you try, and you refuse...
  15. Afrelen

    INFJs: Do you see yourself in this description?

    I can definitely see myself in that one. Especially the "INFJs may fantasize about getting revenge on those who victimize the defenseless." bit.