Brain Works Test

[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your Brain Usage Profile:[/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif] Auditory : 61%
Visual : 38%
Left : 56%
Right : 43%

Well it's right that I'm almost balance-brained in terms of left/right. However, I know for a fact that I am far more visual than I am auditory. At lectures, I have a very hard time paying attention if I don't have some sort of visual aid.
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interesting test!

[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your Brain Usage Profile:[/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif] Auditory : 33%
Visual : 66%
Left : 55%
Right : 44%

[/FONT] [FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]May, you are somewhat left-hemisphere dominant and show a preference for visual learning, although not extreme in either characteristic. You probably tend to do most things in moderation, but not always. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your left-hemisphere dominance implies that your learning style is organized and structured, detail oriented and logical. Your visual preference, though, has you seeking stimulation and multiple data. Such an outlook can overwhelm structure and logic and create an almost continuous state of uncertainty and agitation. You may well suffer a feeling of continually trying to "catch up" with yourself. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your tendency to be organized and logical and attend to details is reasonably well-established which should afford you success regardless of your chosen field of endeavor. You can "size up" situations and take in information rapidly. However, you must then subject that data to being classified and organized which causes you to "lose touch" with the immediacy of the problem. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your logical and methodical nature hamper you in this regard though in the long run it may work to your advantage since you "learn from experience" and can go through the process more rapidly on subsequent occasions. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]You remain predominantly functional in your orientation and practical. Abstraction and theory are secondary to application. In keeping with this, you focus on details until they manifest themselves in a unique pattern and only then work with the "larger whole." [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]With regards to your career choices, you have a mentality that would be good as a scientist, coach, athlete, design consultant, or an engineering technician. You can "see where you want to go" and even be able to "tell yourself," but find that you are "fighting yourself" at the darndest times. [/FONT]
I took the test twice because one of the answers I had put down I didn't agree with later. My first result was
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your Brain Usage Profile:[/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif] Auditory : 53%
Visual : 46%
Left : 58%
Right : 41%

My second test, however, I think might be more accurate.

[/FONT][FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Auditory : 53%
Visual : 46%
Left : 43%
Right : 56%

[/FONT] [FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Reon, you show a slight right-hemisphere dominance with a moderate preference for auditory processing, an unusual and somewhat paradoxical combination of characteristics. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]You are drawn to a random and sometimes nonchalant synthesis of material. You learn as it seems important to a specific situation, and might even develop a resentment of others who attempt to direct your learning down a specific channel. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your right-hemispheric dominance provides a structure that is only loosely organized and one which processes entire swatches of reality, overlooking details. You are emotional in your reactions and perceptual more than logical in your approach, although you can impose structure and a language base when necessary. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your auditory preference, on the other hand, implies that you process information sequentially and unidimensionally. This combination of right-brain and auditory modes creates conflict, as you want to process data more rapidly than your natural processes allow. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your tendency to be creative and free-flowing is accompanied by sufficient ability to organize and be logical, allowing you a reasonable degree of success in a number of different endeavors. You take in information methodically and systematically which can then be synthesized rapidly. In this manner, you manage to function consistently well, although certainly less efficiently than you desire. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]You prefer the abstract and are a theoretician at heart while retaining the ability to be practical. You find the symbolism in a great deal of what you encounter and are something of a "mystic." [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]With regards to your lifestyle, you have the mentality which would be good as a philosopher, writer, journalist, or instructor, or possibly as a systems designer or social worker. Perhaps most important is your ability to "listen to your inner voice" as a mode of skipping over unnecessary steps to achieve your goals.

Edit: After looking at the questions more thoroughly, my second results are, by far, more correct.
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[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Auditory : 57%
Visual : 42%
Left : 50%
Right : 50%
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your hemispheric dominance is equally divided between left and right brain, while you show a moderate preference for auditory versus visual learning, signs of a balanced and flexible person. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your balance gives you the enviable capacity to be verbal and literate while retaining a certain "flair" and individuality. You are logical and compliant but only to a degree. You are organized without being compulsive, goal-directed without being driven, and a "thinking" individual without being excessively so. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]The one problem you might have is that your learning might not be as efficient as you would like. At times you will work from the specific to the general, while at other times you'll work from the general to the specific. Sometimes you will be logical in your approach while at other times random. Since you cannot always control the choice, you may experience frustrations not normally felt by persons with a more defined and directed learning style. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]You may also minimally experience conflicts associated with auditory processing. You will be systematic and sequential in your processing of information, you will most often focus on a single dimension of the problem or material, and you will be more reflective, i.e., "taking the data in" as opposed to "devouring" it. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Overall, you should feel content with your life and yourself. You are, perhaps, a little too critical of yourself - and of others - while maintaining an "openness" which is redeeming. Indecisiveness is a problem and your creativity is not in keeping with your potential. Being a pragmatist, you downplay this aspect of yourself and focus on the more immediate, the more obvious and the more functional. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]This test is complete and total bologna. I am without a doubt a right brained individual. Maybe I should bash my head and retake it.

Auditory : 42%
Visual : 57%
Left : 64%
Right : 35%
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Auditory : 57%[/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Visual : 42%[/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Left : 50%[/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Right : 50%[/FONT]

Our results almost match.

Auditory : 56%
Visual : 43%
Left : 50%
Right : 50%
Auditory : 33%
Visual : 66%
Left : 42%
Right : 57%

The summary was a bunch of Forer-Effect crap, as far as I'm concerned. Also, I think of myself as an auditory learner. When I used to try to take notes in the traditional fashion, I was always fighting against my natural tendencies until I realized that I understand the material better if I just listen. Writing notes distracts me from the listening, and I get more from listening than rereading anyways, so it's not worth it. In effect I AM taking notes by listening. I love calling out the artist and name of songs I hear on the radio, and I will very often connect what I'm listening to to musical lines I've heard before (While watching Pan's Labyrinth: "Hey, that sounds exactly like that tone they played in Brother Bear after Kinai told that little bear that his mom had died!"). Any instrument I've ever played I played by ear (nearly ignoring the sheet music), and I have extremely good relative pitch.

So there!

Edit: the second run wasn't very conclusive either.
Auditory : 44%
Visual : 55%
Left : 52%
Right : 47%
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[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your Brain Usage Profile:[/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Auditory : 46%
Visual : 53%
Left : 47%
Right : 52%

[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Vanadis, you exhibit an even balance between left- and right- hemisphere dominance and a slight preference for visual over auditory processing. With a score this balanced, it is likely that you would have slightly different results each time you complete this self-assessment quiz.
You are a well-rounded person, distinctly individualistic and artistic, an active and multidimensional learner. At the same time, you are logical and disciplined, can operate well within an organization, and are sensitive towards others without losing objectivity. You are organized and goal-directed. Although a "thinking" individual, you "take in" entire situations readily and can act on intuition.
You sometimes tend to vacillate in your learning styles. Learning might take you longer than someone of equal intellect, but you will tend to be more thorough and retain the material longer than those other individuals. You will alternate between logic and impulse. This vacillation will not normally be intentional or deliberate, so you may experience anxiety in situations where you are not certain which aspect of yourself will be called on.
With a slight preference for visual processing, you tend to be encompassing in your perceptions, process along multidimensional paths and be active in your attacking of situations or learning.
Overall, you should feel content with your life and yourself. You are, perhaps, a little too critical of yourself -- and of others -- while maintaining an "openness" which tempers that tendency. Indecisiveness is a problem and your creativity may not be in keeping with your potential. Being a pragmatist, you downplay this aspect of yourself and focus on the more immediate, obvious and the more functional

[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Your Brain Usage Profile:[/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Auditory : 43%
Visual : 56%
Left : 66%
Right : 33%

[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]-----, you are somewhat left-hemisphere dominant and show a preference for visual learning, although not extreme in either characteristic. You probably tend to do most things in moderation, but not always. [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]
Your left-hemisphere dominance implies that your learning style is organized and structured, detail oriented and logical. Your visual preference, though, has you seeking stimulation and multiple data. Such an outlook can overwhelm structure and logic and create an almost continuous state of uncertainty and agitation. You may well suffer a feeling of continually trying to "catch up" with yourself.

Your tendency to be organized and logical and attend to details is reasonably well-established which should afford you success regardless of your chosen field of endeavor. You can "size up" situations and take in information rapidly. However, you must then subject that data to being classified and organized which causes you to "lose touch" with the immediacy of the problem.

Your logical and methodical nature hamper you in this regard though in the long run it may work to your advantage since you "learn from experience" and can go through the process more rapidly on subsequent occasions.

You remain predominantly functional in your orientation and practical. Abstraction and theory are secondary to application. In keeping with this, you focus on details until they manifest themselves in a unique pattern and only then work with the "larger whole."

With regards to your career choices, you have a mentality that would be good as a scientist, coach, athlete, design consultant, or an engineering technician. You can "see where you want to go" and even be able to "tell yourself," but find that you are "fighting yourself" at the darndest times.
It's right on for me...

[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]Richard, you exhibit an even balance between left- and right- hemisphere dominance and a slight preference for visual over auditory processing. With a score this balanced, it is likely that you would have slightly different results each time you complete this self-assessment quiz.
You are a well-rounded person, distinctly individualistic and artistic, an active and multidimensional learner. At the same time, you are logical and disciplined, can operate well within an organization, and are sensitive towards others without losing objectivity. You are organized and goal-directed. Although a "thinking" individual, you "take in" entire situations readily and can act on intuition.
You sometimes tend to vacillate in your learning styles. Learning might take you longer than someone of equal intellect, but you will tend to be more thorough and retain the material longer than those other individuals. You will alternate between logic and impulse. This vacillation will not normally be intentional or deliberate, so you may experience anxiety in situations where you are not certain which aspect of yourself will be called on.
With a slight preference for visual processing, you tend to be encompassing in your perceptions, process along multidimensional paths and be active in your attacking of situations or learning.
Overall, you should feel content with your life and yourself. You are, perhaps, a little too critical of yourself -- and of others -- while maintaining an "openness" which tempers that tendency. Indecisiveness is a problem and your creativity may not be in keeping with your potential. Being a pragmatist, you downplay this aspect of yourself and focus on the more immediate, obvious and the more functional
There should be an option for kinesthetic as well as auditory and visual. oh well

Auditory : 40%
Visual : 60%
Left : 72%
Right : 27%

[FONT=Helvetica, sans-serif]steve, you are somewhat left-hemisphere dominant and show a preference for visual learning, although not extreme in either characteristic. You probably tend to do most things in moderation, but not always.
Your left-hemisphere dominance implies that your learning style is organized and structured, detail oriented and logical. Your visual preference, though, has you seeking stimulation and multiple data. Such an outlook can overwhelm structure and logic and create an almost continuous state of uncertainty and agitation. You may well suffer a feeling of continually trying to "catch up" with yourself.
Your tendency to be organized and logical and attend to details is reasonably well-established which should afford you success regardless of your chosen field of endeavor. You can "size up" situations and take in information rapidly. However, you must then subject that data to being classified and organized which causes you to "lose touch" with the immediacy of the problem.
Your logical and methodical nature hamper you in this regard though in the long run it may work to your advantage since you "learn from experience" and can go through the process more rapidly on subsequent occasions.
You remain predominantly functional in your orientation and practical. Abstraction and theory are secondary to application. In keeping with this, you focus on details until they manifest themselves in a unique pattern and only then work with the "larger whole."
With regards to your career choices, you have a mentality that would be good as a scientist, coach, athlete, design consultant, or an engineering technician. You can "see where you want to go" and even be able to "tell yourself," but find that you are "fighting yourself" at the darndest times.