
I really miss my childhood days, since they didn't last long. It seems like a dream now.
I can't stand cynical people, liars, deceivers, and all the good stuff.

I'm loyal to the people I love. I'm kind and passionate. I'm selfless! (ETC.)

I like to play video games, atm. I only have the Nintendo Wii so i play a lot of Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii, anyone here know what that is and want to play sometime, let me know.
My mom says I was born bald, haha!
I've always cared about the well being of others, except the ones that don't deserve my kindness or respect. I've done a few mistakes i regret..like everyone one else, right? Ehh i could keep going but I'll spare your time A BIT.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
Funny how I'm living with out the thing I've always needed the most. ~_~
What would be your epitaph?
Just want to get over high school, college and hav


..Blessed the man who resists temptation Since he, with striving, shall receive the crown of life.
Quispiam , commodo eradico decipio!.:m197: