I'm married to an INFJ man who I love very much.
I like writing but have too many ideas to focus on any one of them.
My ideal job would be a little of this and a little of that for a little while, then a little of something else and a little of another thing for another little while.
I haven't eaten meat over 6 years. I haven't eaten or used other animal products in over 5 years.
Playing violin is both a release and a cause of stress in my life.
I've never been accused of being quiet or shy, but the babble often is covering the insecurity. Very few people actually know me, and of those, they each only know a small piece of me.

I like to help people in the ways I know have helped me. I also like playing Words With Friends.
Dec 9, 1980 (Age: 44)
I met my husband in college (before I dropped out,) and we've been together ever since. We moved in together after only a few months. My childhood wasn't fun. I was always the serious one, and really didn't understand other children my age. My parents were abusive in various ways which caused many issues in my adult life. I've gotten past, or at least acknowledged many of them, but new aspects are always being found. I'm in my head too much, and I never relax either physically or mentally.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
My child
My husband
A safe place to live
Healthy food
A decent computer with internet
Clean underwear
What would be your epitaph?
Wife, homeschooling mom, ESR for UBAM


I am the am that I am.


  1. 69


    Whatever it is, it's amazing. You're amazing. And Free is learning how to create trophies! Or break the forum. Either way, it'll be interesting!
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    You're awesome

    For being awesome. :)
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    A Member

    Well done you worked out how to register, now let's see if you can work out the rest of the buttons...
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