Recent content by Annabreher

  1. Annabreher

    Corrupt A Wish

    Your wish is granted. But now that you are all-knowing, the information overload has caused your brain to seize up and you are left in a vegetative state. Gray matter tapioca! I wish I had a tree house.
  2. Annabreher

    Corrupt A Wish

    Your wish is granted [btw that is my all time favorite car] HOWEVER, you snort one too many lines and careen off the road, flipping the Delorian. Due to your compromised mental state, you forgot to fasten your seat-belt and flew through the window. Splat. I wish I had more money. -Anna
  3. Annabreher

    Whats your relationship with your first love?

    My first love was not very mature and still has some issues he needs to work on. While he never took the MBTI, I am fairly certain he is a INFP. If I were to run into him on the street I'd be cordial but not "buddy buddy". -Anna
  4. Annabreher

    Would you date someone who is HIV positive?

    Ugh, I feel so shallow saying no.
  5. Annabreher

    Are you a slow learner?!

    I have to let my brain marinate on the new information. I definitely need to repeat the process or memorize the material if I want it to "stick". Some information, like math formulas, are never retained, no matter how well I understand it. The next day it'll be as if I never saw the problem...
  6. Annabreher

    Noticed anything today?

    My cats imperial pose reminds me time and again that at one point her species was worshiped. Quite clearly, she feels strongly about her ancestors and is ever gracious to keep me in check. God forbid I should ever treat her like a commoner [shudder]. -Anna
  7. Annabreher

    Coping with naysayers and close-minded critics.

    Another thing to consider is the person who is being over critical: Are they just trying to start a argument, maybe push your buttons? Or are they trying to play devil's advocate to help you see another viewpoint? Really, I see the first one a lot more. People hate being wrong, and even if you...
  8. Annabreher


    I has become flat. I is one with da earf. Earf and dirf. Derpderpderp. -Anna
  9. Annabreher

    high school experiences, please

    I was bullied a lot from 3rd grade on, so I can't say I have many positive things to say about the schools I attended. However, the people I met along the way shaped me into the person I am today. For that I am grateful. [At the time I am sure I would have said otherwise.] -Anna
  10. Annabreher

    Which MBTI type are you drawn to?

    Actualized type: INFJ (who you are) Introverted (I) 62.07% Extroverted (E) 37.93% Intuitive (N) 57.5% Sensing (S) 42.5% Feeling (F) 55.32% Thinking (T) 44.68% Judging (J) 54.84% Perceiving (P) 45.16% INFJ - "Author". Strong drive and enjoyment to help others. Complex personality. 1.5%...
  11. Annabreher

    What's your inner big cat?

  12. Annabreher

    INFJ's - do you stereotype your mates based on MTBI?

    I do it when my curiosity gets the best of me. I like to study people, so this adds a different element. But, everyone is different, so while the MBTI type helps you understand the person's thought processes/actions, it doesn't by any means put them in a box. It would be incredibly boring if...
  13. Annabreher

    Famous characters you are most like (take test)

    Timothy McGee: Special Agent Timothy McGee initially portrays himself as being quite timid and inexperienced but eventually evolves into a much more bold and assertive member of the naval criminal investigative team. Special Agent McGee is very hardworking and generous with his time and...
  14. Annabreher

    Children: Birthing vs. Adopting

    I prefer adoption due to certain genetic issues. I would feel uncomfortable bringing a child into the world knowing what I know about my family tree. -Anna
  15. Annabreher

    What's your fat level?

    I got sum fat rollssss IMMA FATTY FAT FAT MCFATTERTON! Blubbery Blubberstein! I dunno what my fat percentage is. :P -Anna