- Enneagram
- 9 Mediator
How do you cope with people who are vehemently opposed to a perspective you hold, who insist on vocalizing their opposition as well as their opinion of the position you hold?
I'm curious about this in particular with regard to more personal issues such as religion, parenting, personal development, lifestyles, one's personal life, etc.
I suppose it is a matter of developing a thick skin. So, to this end, I guess I'm not interested in hearing from people who've always had a thick skin. Sorry. It's just that answers like "I'm not bothered by it" or "I don't let it bother me" don't seem at all helpful. I'm interested in discussing the processes that allow us to transcend being bothered by someone else's lack of tact and disregard for possibility. I've found an approach that has been helpful, and I'm interested to hear about how others encounter these types of situations and how you make peace with them. I think this is an important skill to develop, and one that may be particularly essential for those of us who dislike engaging in conflict or dialogue, particularly with persons who are stubborn about their positions.
@Kgal , @Serenity , @Stormy1 , @niffer , @Black Sheep , @Cedar , @CindyLou , @Sriracha , @Dragon , @jimtaylor , @Neverwhere , @JonMac
Let's see....
When I was younger and invested in what others thought of my thoughts - I probably withered and cringed inside of me when that occurred. I probably felt fear of not be accepted. I felt wrong.
So I suppose it depended upon whether or not I wanted that person to think and feel as I did. In order to make peace with them I would cave and demur. Most of the time this involved my parents and later my 2nd husband.
There was always this idea in the back of my mind that I didn't count - wasn't worthy anyway - so why should I be contrary?
Now....the more I know...the less I know
....and so I've learned that my perspective is just that: A. Perspective.
I've also come to the conclusion that almost all answers or perspectives have value in a complex system and who am I to know what is right? The more I meditate and see where I cling to my ideas the more I can see others doing it everywhere around me. Some days I feel so weird because if I squint my eyes closed just right I can see Egos being carried around in little round boxes on top of walking legs. When I see those - I then turn my eyes inward and I can see mine.
The single biggest example of what you're talking about - in my life - is the fact I have turned towards a "mystical" path while leaving my ex still planted firmly on the "atheist" path. Lately he's taken to listening to me without rolling his eyes. But I think it's because he's looking for loopholes and weaknesses in my thinking to argue about with me. I don't care what he thinks and when he tries to debate with me he ends up giving up because I won't. There is nothing to base the argument upon when all answers are correct. Right?
Sorry. I just don't get too riled up about much else these days except my own shit I've still yet to resolve.

I'm very keen to hear your approach.