BritNi Jun 11, 2019 Hey beautiful. Thank you for all the attentiveness. Thanks for all the love. Thanks for all the likes. You're an angel.
Hey beautiful. Thank you for all the attentiveness. Thanks for all the love. Thanks for all the likes. You're an angel.
jn56uytrx Jun 10, 2019 Thanks for the haiku thread and you recent kind comment. It has kinda become a place I can go to talk without talking too much, you know? Much gratitude for making that place.
Thanks for the haiku thread and you recent kind comment. It has kinda become a place I can go to talk without talking too much, you know? Much gratitude for making that place.
April Jun 10, 2019 morning... yeah, Good morning! Wait no, goodnight, cause i'm going to bed... ugh whatever! Haha morning... yeah, Good morning! Wait no, goodnight, cause i'm going to bed... ugh whatever! Haha
April Jun 8, 2019 Rhett and Link... friendship goals... for real. I need that but I'd have to so much spend time with someone IRL. #lifeprobs haha
Rhett and Link... friendship goals... for real. I need that but I'd have to so much spend time with someone IRL. #lifeprobs haha
April Jun 5, 2019 Tonight, I attempt to fix my sleeping schedule. So I'll attempt to stay off electronic devices. Lol see you all later!
Tonight, I attempt to fix my sleeping schedule. So I'll attempt to stay off electronic devices. Lol see you all later!
April Jun 3, 2019 My phone thinks it knows me. But it makes me sound like a raging lunatic. To edit or not edit? That's never the question...
My phone thinks it knows me. But it makes me sound like a raging lunatic. To edit or not edit? That's never the question...
April May 31, 2019 I don't think I should be here now. It probably wont stop me though. I am in such a dark place it only pushes people away. More in my blog.
I don't think I should be here now. It probably wont stop me though. I am in such a dark place it only pushes people away. More in my blog.
April May 30, 2019 Floating on a sea of tranquility, the rise and fall of the water lulls me, and the music of the waves crashing calms me. G'nite my loves <3
Floating on a sea of tranquility, the rise and fall of the water lulls me, and the music of the waves crashing calms me. G'nite my loves <3
BritNi May 28, 2019 Thanks for stopping by Headspins. =) . I appreciate all the love. I wish you well and hope you always know the beauty you carry. Ttyl.
Thanks for stopping by Headspins. =) . I appreciate all the love. I wish you well and hope you always know the beauty you carry. Ttyl.
April May 27, 2019 I just found out from Rhett and Link on Good Mythical Morning that Lysol was first introduced as a feminine hygeine product. 5 people died!
I just found out from Rhett and Link on Good Mythical Morning that Lysol was first introduced as a feminine hygeine product. 5 people died!
sassafras May 27, 2019 April! I *ADORE* the new avatar. There's something about the eyes that remind me of you!
April May 23, 2019 I wish I had a magic pen that made stuff happen. I would write things like "Eat more food without gaining weight." Food is happiness.
I wish I had a magic pen that made stuff happen. I would write things like "Eat more food without gaining weight." Food is happiness.