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  • It's not something I can articulate. I think one of the main things, I am very goal oriented. VERY goal oriented. As well as I am very perfectionistic, but not so much online. It's weird too, because I tend to procrastinate, but at the same time, it's into my schedule. I have a very internal schedule on how things are going to be done, and when they are. I get very upset when this doesn't clash with reality/people. Also, when my plan doesn't work, I freak out and just like... Freeze. I just can't go with the flow. I find it humorous though, however a majority of people believe I'm a P, simply because I'm having a hard time finding a type. All the P's I know wouldn't be so stringent and set on finding a type.

    edit: I also have a plan for everything. And a back up plan, and another, and another, and another. Infact, I tend to think so much I forget to act XD. I've been known to do that a lot, actually.
    Haha, yes I am aware. I'm not a P, and frankly I'd be sooner to discuss S then to discuss P. I mean, out of 1 to 100 I'm probably like 60 on E. Like an extrovert, but a very introverted one. And that's me being gracious. (I'm really quite the private person)
    oops fixed some major typos like I DONT understand how I come across. lol semantics :|
    It's like.. First off, yes I'm aware of the ESFP thing. Haha. But, I'd have to say Te is if not my first function, definitely my 2nd. I have a very immature use of Fi, so it'd have to be 3rd or 4th. But no. I just don't articulate my N, I tend to keep my N very silent and behind the actions. Because I can't explain it, and I'm sick and tired of trying to explain it to people. But I'm definitely not an S, and there's so many reasons why it's honestly pointless to state them all. I do think I have a low J, and perhaps a high F. But I'm still a T. And ye, I know it's an INFJ thing to get pissed off when you offer people advice and they don't want it. And the thing is, I'm really just thinking out loud on all of these mbti threads. I stated later on in the video, when I post a "HEY IM THIS TYPE" I'm really saying "I have no experience in this field whatsoever. Do you notice this in me, yes or no?" But the clincher is, your answer won't affect mine. But I want it too. I am really trying to allow myself to be more open to outside like.. ideas. errr, opinions on how i should act. Also, when I am very very depressed/shadow form I am a picture perfect ISFP. Like, dear God arby, I'm not even joking. (Honestly) I took the mbti type test 4 times in high school. When I was ultra sick/and depressed and stressed etc. 3 times I got isfp, 4th time was isfj. Now I've never really re-taken the MBTI test in a while, because I know what I'll get. I think I am severely lacking in the self confidence I had as a child, and I am very insecure at this point in my life; both of those I am sure of. That may be why I am coming across as a superficial SP. But at the same time, I can be very caring, but I simply don't allow F to influence my decisions. (When I can help it. Lol.) But the important things to remember is this (and maybe this will give hint to my true type?) on the internet I tend to be the opposite of what I am irl. IRL I very quiet, until I get to know the group, but I am also very N, T, and J. Which is why it not only makes sense you gusy think I'm EXFP, but also why it's so frustrating for me. Because I can't convince you guys otherwise, because i know that's what I come across as. And it's taken me a long time to see how I come across. The two things you hear most about me is "Sam, you really need to learn to not freak out when things don't go according to plan." and "Sam, don't be so harsh. I don't think you understand how cold you are to people, and I don't think you're aware of how you come across." I have set a goal to try and rectify both of these majorly. And it's really hard, but I just keep on trying.

    Btw: I love the new rules, except I love to type in chat speak :( boooooo.
    Haha. I'm not trying to be difficult. It's like... I/E is the main clincher. I'm trying to understand if I am I/E due to events in my life making me act against my nature, or am I naturally that way. I know for a fact I have Te (I thought before I had Ti. I was wrong) and as I had previously suspected, I do have Ni. Now Se/Si is difficult. However I read that Se people tend to be more image conscious. So lets go with Se. And everyone in the world thinks I'm Fi, so lets go with that. Lol ... Also I know I'm kinda a controversial member, but I don't understand why people get so worked up by my threads. I know I'm jumping around from type to type, but is that a bad thing? (I'm aware that sounds very P)
    Ok. The truth? Mag's post made sense in Fi wants conflict Fe doesn't. So I think I am fi, but definitely 3rd or 4th function. And btw, I'm settling between INTJ, and well INTJ. I'm not an E, and if I am then ENTJ. But I am very very aware of my internal processes, more so than anyone i know. And I'm the biggest planner; moreso than anyone I know. And, well, it's too complicated and I can't be bothered at this time. But no, I wasn't milking the thread. However, I find it highly amusing to me how everyone in this forum is finding everything I saw so uporoariously awful. People try to psychoanalyze me, and they are just very bad at it. And I'm am going to be dark on this as well; I'm not an F, and ai'm not an S. And I'm not a P. However, NTJs are also natural schemers, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. And I was pretty much drunk when I made that youtube video. (Nasty vodka is nasty)
    i think i saw you this morning. were you wearing a red jacket and had a red purse? or was that someone else who looked like you at the 1100 service?
    Ok :smile:, and exactly. That and being a black-and-white thinker I tend to make things sound far more final and terminal then I really think.
    Mom and I are well! The medicine is doing its job, and she's getting better every day - last report showed no cancer and no infection! So, we're cautiously optimistic. Will we see more snow? I don't think so. Denton usually gets one big ol' snow burst or ice storm. After that? Nada.
    yes, i'm staying warm. I looked at the thermometer before i left for my 0900 class and saw it said 18F. Turns out 18F isn't as cold as i expected. least we're awake after we go outside, no?
    Yeah, i have a feeling second term is going to be better than the first. Still all core classes, so, you know... but it'll be good.
    How are you and your mom doing?
    Any chance of snow in the near future, you think?
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