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  • I saw :) I'm at work on my phone so I'm a bit slow in responding but I don't mindmind keeping it open until I get home. Thanks
    I'm gonna sign off for a good 2 hours or so so I can focus on my homework. If something comes up, PM me. My email will beep and I will come back and take a look :)
    Hurm, I am there *runs off to track down and stalk messed up all over the placeness*

    ... heh, yeah right, we all know I'm too lazy for that!
    May have to stick around for a bit this time :D (see if I can't bring the standards down!)
    Thanks babette :)

    The site has a nicer feel now than it did last time I checked it out, bravo.
    I'm glad my post made sense. Between starting and posting, I'd noticed you posted and my sense was you were saying many of the same things I eventually said. I've been on the type fence personally before and so these are things I've thought out because of my own experience and then empathy with others who've been unsure. Anyway, thanks. :)
    Good Morning to my friends here on the forum.

    I have been snowed in for 3 days and running on generator, so I have not been able to make regular contact.

    The sun is out, and it's a new day.

    I hope the electric company can make it to me today to get my power back on so I can do some dishes, and some house cleaning.

    I hope all of you are staying warm and cozy and dry.

    From snow country, I wish you all a wonderful week !

    Headache :)
    Hehe, I see.

    Strangely I'm torn between ENFP and INFJ. Hmm maybe I should make a video, too, to see what others think! (:
    Yay. :D

    Alright, INxJ, but very well-developed either way. I think there's chance you could be either type, but (I might as well just come out and say it) I suck at typing people who don't fit the archetypes in my mind. So yeah. :<
    I watched the video again and I'm changing my opinion to INTJ.

    You weren't using emotions/facial expressions to "sell" your points (as do many xxFJs). You were stating everything while keeping a straight face, but not forcing it to, which makes me think Te. It's very "natural", unlike the INFJs tertiary Ti, which looks slightly "depressed".

    INTJ could be about right (albeit an INTJ with incredible tertiary Fi), but then again, you know yourself best. (:
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