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  • Mhm! And thank you <3 <3 <3 also OMG SEPTEMBER it doesn't feel like that long. My sense of time has really gotten away from me, it seems like yesterday it was August...
    Hey Buddy,

    What's new ? Thanks for your message, I've only seen it today... I know, I haven't been around lately.
    Anyways, happy New Year btw, I wish you the best and plenty more years ahead to grow and live happily =)
    Hopefully, I'll be able to catch you around sooner or later.
    Thank you for the rep. :hug: I try to think about how it would feel like and imagine how my dreams would feel like also if they would become true~
    Well I slept a few hours, I'm buying melatonin today. Thanks for worring :)
    I went to dinner with my classmates, I was afraid I would feel depressed but it was really nice. I'm lucky to have them :D
    I will try to study. But tomorow I will need coffee since I need to stay till late. I don't know if I'm excited or afraid, probably both of them.
    It's so hard to express sincere emotions without at least referencing the corny, huh? Or perhaps that is society's inaccurate perception. Who knows? Maybe we can change the world, hail the rise of the terribly cliché, the predictable heart-wrenching sentiments.
    Aww, sounds yummy and delicious. Ben & Jerry's heals some pieces of a broken heart with emotional movie marathon. Oh well... :3
    Haha!! I remember the buzzer option... Good way to wake up a sleepy friend. :D I miss MSN too...

    N'aw, thank you. :hug:

    More foxes~
    Thank you... :hug: I really try, though it's just soooo hard and I just want to sleep and cry and sleep and cry and maybe eat some chocolate. :m068: LOL
    Ahah, it's okey... I rarely use webcam or voice either, mostly only chatting with text like in those old school MSN times. :P
    I appreciate it though that someone wants to listen and help, hard times~
    I will add you soon... Enough... When ready. ^___^
    Thank you so much for your support. :hug: :hug: I know... It just feels so hard now, I will be happier someday, it just takes so much time heal. :( Still shy to come Skype... ;_;
    Thank you for your support! The other day I opened up to a classmate, she went through the same as me. I tried not to but I cried at a crowded cafe, I felt so relieved and embarrased afterwards.
    Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for being my first friend on this forum. And also for believing in me. Now, I'll stop myself from writing more, because those words I just wrote down veered dangerously into corny territory, haha.
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