Recent content by bickelz

  1. bickelz

    Universal healthcare

    You need to read "What is Seen and What is Unseen" by Frederic Bastiat. What you're saying is an economic fallacy because you're not taking into account other ways that money could be spent. It came from somewhere else and would have been spent differently by people who worked for it thus...
  2. bickelz

    Universal healthcare

    First off, we don't "just have the money sitting around". We're running deficits of over $1,000,000,000,000.00 a year. Secondly, I do agree that we shouldn't spend money on war efforts because war destroys wealth, it never creates it. Thirdly, welfare programs may help a few people but they...
  3. bickelz

    Universal healthcare

    Whoops! I meant uninsured. "Higher risk" people need the insurance...they know they're higher risk. Many of them are old so why would they stop buying healthcare insurance?
  4. bickelz

    Universal healthcare

    Does it really make that much of a difference? Either way, we're forced to pay for something that we may not want to consume. I view both options as equally bad because they're both enforced through government force aka, violence. What ideas have been "good" ideas? "Good" is entirely based on...
  5. bickelz

    Universal healthcare

    Firstly, the market wouldn't collapse, we would just end up with higher prices and many people unemployed. I don't understand where you get that "low risk folks won't drop out when the price increases". Healthcare is like any other good/service in the sense that a rise in price will cause...
  6. bickelz

    Universal healthcare

    Yes, healthy people buy insurance if they visit the doctor but higher prices means people drop out of the's the law of demand.
  7. bickelz

    Universal healthcare

    First off, it's not guaranteed that I will come down with something like that. Secondly, it's not guaranteed that I will be rejected. Although I agree our system doesn't really work well, it doesn't fail for everybody. I've gone to school with two kids who died of cancer...neither of them were...
  8. bickelz

    Universal healthcare

    Taxes do suck and just because someone else pays more and doesn't whine doesn't mean we shouldn't complain. Taxes are a little bit of a different issue so I'm not going to veer off here. The biggest point is that the system still isn't free, everyone still pays for it through taxes. You're...
  9. bickelz

    Boyfriend vibe

    Were the comments from girls or guys?
  10. bickelz

    Cleaners 'worth more to society' than bankers - study

    a few things... 1. People pay for what they value. If people are paying more for something, they value it more. If you think someone should "be paid more" then start your own business and then pay them more. 2. Although this isn't an argument against the OP, this foundation has advocated for...
  11. bickelz

    Majors requiring lots of intuition

    Math, econ, physics, chemistry. Anything abstract.
  12. bickelz

    The 2008 Recession Was Caused by Kindness

    Well ARMs weren't given out to people with bad credit. Sub-primes and Liar Loans were more towards the root of the problem. ARMs only became a problem when housing prices stopped increasing. The whole point of taking out a 2 year ARM was that you were planning on flipping the house after the two...
  13. bickelz

    The 2008 Recession Was Caused by Kindness

    Yeah, people got loans who shouldn't have because of these programs along with artificially low interest rates. The housing bubble was basically created by the government.
  14. bickelz

    It's my spring break now...I feel like there's a correlation somewhere.

    It's my spring break now...I feel like there's a correlation somewhere.
  15. bickelz

    What issues do Conservatives find "outrageous"?

    You realize not every conservative person finds sex to be outrageous. There are even some conservatives that don't think homosexuality is wrong. Woah!