What issues do Conservatives find "outrageous"?


Si master race.
I was listening to a radio show the other day and the host challenged conservatives to present some issues that conservatives just find truly outrageous (insert Jem joke here). Nobody called in with anything really liberal except for healthcare (Obamacare).

What issues would you expect a conservative to have presented as just plain crazy about the liberals?
Well, if they're going to start talking about Healthcare, nothing is really safe, is it?

Food stamps
Social Security
Not-for-profit/501(c)3 tax exemptions
Separation of church and state, especially if you follow the GOP primaries lately.

And you know, pretty much all of the entire Bill of Rights... What were those those Liberal, Hippie freak founders of ours thinking?!
Beyond politics - outrageous art that cannot be explained, defined, bought, or controlled.
Education that values children's emotional and creative development.
government regulations
You realize not every conservative person finds sex to be outrageous. There are even some conservatives that don't think homosexuality is wrong. Woah!

I was thinking more socially conservative people, not economic conservatives.

It also seems there's a growing Republican (law makers) trend in this country to be outraged at women's reproductive health care and choices and try to undermine those things.
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I can understand economic conservatism because there are no definite answers there, but social conservatism is pretty much pure ignorance.

They say you're not supposed to have loving consensual relations with someone of the same gender, but dropping bombs over hospitals in Iraq is perfectly okay. You're not allowed to abort a fetus, you should wait until he grows up disadvantaged in a series of foster homes, develops a drug habit, and murders someone-- then you can kill him (and they're usually against doing it humanely as well). Immigrants only want to come to our country to steal our jobs and complain about our culture. Women belong in the kitchen, and shouldn't have sex with anyone ever… but if they do, they shouldn't talk about it and should probably feel shame. I don't know, am I leaving anything out?
You're not allowed to abort a fetus, you should wait until he grows up disadvantaged in a series of foster homes, develops a drug habit, and murders someone--

As someone who was adopted and has a wonderful loving family that is better than I could have ever possibly asked for I find this statement incredibly offensive.
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I can understand economic conservatism because there are no definite answers there, but social conservatism is pretty much pure ignorance.

They say you're not supposed to have loving consensual relations with someone of the same gender, but dropping bombs over hospitals in Iraq is perfectly okay.

Surprisingly untrue.
As someone who was adopted and has a wonderful loving family that is better than I could have ever possibly asked for I find this statement incredibly offensive.

Then why would you find that statement offensive, since it obviously doesn't apply to you?
Then why would you find that statement offensive, since it obviously doesn't apply to you?

The assumption that a fetus that isn't aborted is going to be placed into disadvantaged foster homes, and then on top of that become a drug addict and then kill someone? O_o
The assumption that a fetus that isn't aborted is going to be placed into disadvantaged foster homes, and then on top of that become a drug addict and then kill someone? O_o

Are you a fetus who wasn't aborted and then placed into disadvantaged foster homes only to become a drug addict and kill someone?
Are you a fetus who wasn't aborted and then placed into disadvantaged foster homes only to become a drug addict and kill someone?

Nope, I'm a fetus that wasn't aborted, the rest of that is pure speculation and assumptions about outcomes that have not yet been determined in the life of any unborn fetus.