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  • I don't know about downloading games and such. I am terrible at some of the internet crap and techno garbage at times. How you been guy? Staying out of trouble? I miss seeing you stir up angst around here. I know you claim you are pretty laid back irl but I have my doubts.
    No, it doesn't sound familiar. I wish I could remember the name of the other game I liked. It is on the tip of my tongue. Ultima! It was more of a quest type game. There was another japanese game that I liked to play too. I will have to ask my sister what it was called--we ended up having to call the 800 number because we were seriously stuck on one part and all we had to do was hold still for like 30 seconds for the next thing to unfold. Sheesh! I also like a game called RoboWarrior--we called it "lay a bomb and run". I never did play the sega system.
    I loved reading your random facts. The only real game system I ever played was the original NES. I loved a game called Ghengis Khan which is totally strategy based--simple graphics. You try and conquer the world and trade and sell stuff. Sometimes I hook up the system to play it. I love those kind of games and they are sooooo nerdy.
    I hope you do not punish too many people or your own children for saying things that you do not agree with. Good luck, c u around the forumz.
    " And Sandra was hurt, and his words were callously insensitive to her situation. That you found my words wrong and his ok, says more about you then it does about me. What he said wasnt shocking, it was cruel, and the fact that Sandra is graceful enough not to rip him a new asshole doesnt mean other people shouldnt. Thats what he got, a new asshole ripped. "

    you should be aware that these statements are all opinions of your own as well
    I'm not saying that his words are okay or not insensitive. Sandra is his friend, and while I believe he could have chosen a kinder or more tactful way to voice his opinions, she is a very gracious person and I know for a fact that she is more used to his communication style than any of the rest of us are. While you may have found the need to step up and defend whatever you perceived to need to be defending about Sandra, provoking pierce with insults, which is not progressive, was an inappropriate way to go about it and Sandra clearly did not appreciate your or pierce's aggression. Also, I know what he looks like because I've met him in real life. Sandra, pierce, and I all live in close proximity.
    lol ok.. your opinion is fine. i think most people would tend to avoid doing those things, but you may behave however you choose.
    Alright, I didn't know about the moderation power of blog authors. I'll take that.

    1. No relation whatsoever. What makes you think so?
    2. It was something that I found shocking and can understand how a lot of people would find his opinions shocking, but it did not personally offend me and I know that what he said about 14 year olds and sex was a little different from Sandra's specific situation, so I didn't think she'd be particularly hurt by it. His posts did not contain any form of harassment or unprovoked argument, therefore I did not report them.
    Oh, I know what you are talking about. That is pretty much how my very first yoga class was. It hurts at first because your muscles are still tight and quite rigid, but over time you will notice that you will easily hold poses for longer spaces of time, as your muscles become leaner and looser. Top that with feeling even more invigorated afterwards.
    I love the feeling of knowing that I earned my Relaxation.

    Do you recall any of the poses you did?
    @your rep comment,

    Yeah I was reluctant to post it. I thought it might be too hot to handle for some people.
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