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  • haha not much of anything to be honest. Lots of over time at work for the most part. I just haven't had the time or energy to put into posting. I've been taking a bit of a step back from internet land for the last several weeks.
    Hey lovey. Having a Halloween party on the 30th at my place. You and your girlfriend are invited. I'm sure you have a lot going on, but if you're free that night I'd love to see you and meet her! :) It's costume required, so I'm giving you a bit of advanced warning. Anyway, let me know either way. <3 Also, I hope you're doing well. I'm doing the best I can in that regard. Keep sending out positive vibes this way, and I'll keep doing the same with you! :hug:
    Get a new avatar, because you're actually quite handsome, and that zombie is vile.
    Yeah, what you don't seem to understand is that you yourself are calling out people on something you are guilty of. I know I am guilty of rage and mistreatment, but you seem to think you're an exemplar and a god. This is why I'm angry.
    Also, repeated yourself over and over and over does not make anything you say any more convincing. Besides, why would I listen to something that is simply meant to be insulting. I only listen to my friends and loved ones. You are not one to be heeded.
    "but I am much smarter then you and many of the people here and I am an actual authentic INFJ" Pure arrogance.
    "with your moderator pals." There is no conspiracy.
    This is what I am sick of.
    Actually, temper is a perfect example of Fe. If you've noticed, have developed both. But lets get down to real business. The ONLY reason you questions people's type is to hurt them. Plain and simple. When someone questioned you, IMMEDIATELY you started questions lots people yourself. I don't even understand how that helps you. You must think if you kick everyone out of your "special club" that makes you the "winner". I'm sick of your bullshit! I've tried my best to ignore you and most of you twattery but I've had enough!
    Why the hell are you so hell bent on taking the pain you suffered in one thread and using it as your own weapon against random people? I understand why you attack me continuously, but why are you attacking people you don't even know!
    I agree with your rep comment.
    I definitely think it's not right and very unfair.
    Also Billy, if you weren't aware, I didn't think a mediation was necessary.
    I was against it.

    But the admins found my opinion irrelevant.
    For the record after a few weeks ago I actually have come to the conclusion that you are an INFJ, not that it really matters at this point though.
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