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  • that is a cool avatar, the photo is great and the guy is cute, what is he holding in his hand?
    2nd part (read this one last)

    You know, some of my dreams have turned into reality. For instance, in one of my dreams I was doing maintance work under my car when I noticed exhaust vapors leaking from the cat-converter connector. About a week later (in real life) my car started to act strange so I checked under the hood and found nothing. When I lifted the car and went underneath to inspect I saw little dropplets of water dripping from the cat-converter. :O Yup the same exact spot from my dream. Kinda creepy eh? How about you, what are your thoughts on this matter?
    "Stop crying over me you sissy bitch and get back to work!" <--- That quote right there made me lolololol. I didn't know you were so outspoken. :lol: Are you sure you're closest to the INTJ label?

    I watched and liked the 6th sense documentary. I know there are senses within senses. For instance, pain receptors respond to and distinguish between mechanical, thermal, and chemical forces or agents. Other sensors signal an itch. Evidence suggests that we have at least 2 kinds of pressure for light surface pressure, another for deep stimulation. Our body also has a broad range of internal senses. Are there more than 5 senses? I think so. I also believe we have such extrasensory perception. Though I think strength in the 6th sense or 'ability' vary from mind to mind. Being conscious of our unconscious mind can also help one see these patterns or unexplainable events.
    :O And the sixth sense is the one I shall watch first! I'll give you my feedback on that and the Otep interview...thanks! you're the best. :D

    p.s. tell your friend he kicks large amounts of ass.
    Holy crap! that website is oozing with interesting topics! It's like food for my brain. Oh yeah Oteph! Don't stress about it if you can't find it. =)

    Hehe ;)
    Dammit, I'm too poor to get those god-like channels. xD I watch most of my documentaries online or Nova (PBS lollololol). Sent music via pm because the message was too long to post.

    Ok your turn, impress me with some of your best music. =)
    Sexy indeed. Ah yes screaming, my friends tell me the same thing lololol. I also love watching documentaries but I honestly haven't seen any documentaries related to music. Any recommendations? :D
    :O "She Wants Revenge" sounds like some deadly stuff :D. My taste in music varies, I can go from happy and upbeat music to Melodic death metal in a heartbeat. I also listen to alot of industrial, techno, electronica groups such as Nurzery Rhymes and Wynardtage. Music is an art, artists unique way of expressing themselves really captivates me.
    Howdy. I think I've seen someone with your username over at PerC. I go by Quinault NDN there.
    Thank you very much!

    No, I am not singing lead haha. It's the Christmas portion of Handel's "Messiah", so the more voices the better.
    Oh Happy Solar Return to you!

    I had a decently relaxing weekend, myself. School has really kept me off here this semester thus far. I am also in preparation for a chorus concert in about a week.
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