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  • So, I searched 'sexy coconut' on this photo website...
    and this was one of the first images. wtf?!? >_<

    Aside from that, I found a picture that you might
    like to put in your blog.)) I liked it, and thought of you.))
    Bio, I need you in my life!!! Hurry up and move closer to me! I wanna go see my grandparents soon, but you need to be there tooooo!!!<333(; teehee
    I ALMOST bought the chocolate palette... Think I need to! A few of my Sephora coworkers say it's their favorite! The Lorac Pro and Pro 2 are pretty appealing too. Oh man. Decisions decisions.)) I haven't swatched the UDs, but I have those $10 palettes from the UK that I love, dupes for all three of the Nakeds.)) ... I think I'm addicted to makeup... :m164:
    NARS has an eyeshadow pallet called 'And God Created The Woman'. No idea if it's any good. Thought you'd like the title tho(;
    just dropping by to say hi....a super long time ago (this is way overdue) you had complemented my avatar, thank you for that.
    Your talk of soup motivated me to get out and grab some myself, but TC stopped working when I came back... D:

    Seems to be working now though.
    I was looking at owl pictures today and this one made me think of you. He looks like he missed out on a 3 for 6 sale at Ali Baba's
    I haven't been cat called to that extent but I've seen it and I've read about women and friends who just have the hardest time with it and they hate it. I've been getting hit on a lot recently, I've also been outside of my house a lot recently >.> lol and it's really, uh... not wanted o.o
    I was on break at work and I wanted Taco Bell because holy fucking shit, Taco Bell! o.o *drools* I swear they put drugs in their meat. Anyways, I was driving there and I have like ten minutes to get food and go back so I have ten minutes to sit my ass down and ten minutes to eat. I go to Taco Bell and the guy asks me how I'm doing and I say I'm good and I ask him how he's doing and he says 'thank you!' Cause when you're at a minimum wage job people don't ask you how you're doing, they just want their shit and give them their shit! So he thought I was nice and I agreed with him lol. I pull up to get my food and he comes out to the window and starts asking me questions about myself and about my job and what movies are playing. He had asked me if I had just gotten off work and I told him no, I was on break. I'M ON BREAK!! GIVE ME MY FOOD AND STOP HITTING ON ME!! Gah! I didn't say that part but man! I was so pissed lol I walked into the break room and I was like "I need a sign on my forehead that says STOP HITTING ON ME!!! Like I can't even go to the fucking... get some fucking food man!" Soo pissed -_- Lol and actually while we were all talking about cat calling in the thread and I was totally PMSing a friend posted a picture of me posing at the mall with a water bottle lol and friend on his page starting making comments that I was pretty and majestic and 'dat smile' and I was just... I couldn't say anything cause I knew that I would blow up and make offensive comments to his imaginary sister I imagine lol... I just... should get a bag and put it over my face and start walking lol
    I don't know if the women posting there have been sexually abused *squints* I haven't really read that thread for the past couple of days either though lol. I think a lot of women do NOT get cat called in the same way you have been and not in the same way and to the extent women of New York have been. I find a lot of people are unable to mentally put themselves in a situation they have not experienced or even have experienced however they haven't experienced it in a while, and that makes me feel sad :( and too emotional >.> lol...
    Yeah, I'd suggest not reading it anymore. Some people will stay... not ignorant so much as lack of empathy all the way up until they experience it. They usually, after they experience it, are like, "OOOH!" And it's stupid and I want to slap 'em but that's people, more often than not =/
    Black tea is your fav?)) I'm currently drinking a decaf vanilla black tea. Probably the only decaf black tea iLike (that I've tried). What kind of black tea do you like?) I want details.)))

    Thanks bio<3333 Excited to meet you<3333

    NYC place just got booked! Picked a place in Brooklyn(:

    Hope you have a lovely week, and I'll see you in a little over 2!))))
    My phone is in the phone hospital getting its screen fixed this week :\ so I have not been able to text.
    Alas, we must have a chat date soon:)
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