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  • I couldn't begin to explain "The Broken God" - just really started -

    The Last Lecture is about well... the last lecture given by a professor terminally ill with cancer, you know on of those inspiring tales to live to life to it's fullest while you have it and all that jazz.

    I'm glad you like it : )

    Deviant Art Page here.

    You in classes currently or randomly talking to your professors about reading? The Prince... hmmm, I've certainly heard of it and Machiavelli, but I've never read it. I'd imagine it's primarily about philosophical stuffs?
    Right now - "The Broken God" and the Last Lecture. The former recommended to me by "Asarya", it's fiction... but it's philosophical-sci-fi-fiction; so far it seems pretty interesting : )

    What about you?
    It's buggy. For future reference, you can post through by choosing "go advanced", and clicking post from there.
    On the contrary, Bartholomew, it is you who does not know me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .loL
    I'm not sure what those people were imagining an 8 to be like, if they weren't able to identify you quite obviously as one. ._."
    I guess I have a pretty random assortment of thoughts on the topic. For example, how 8ness with its sort of constant underlying urge to dominate interacts with femininity within a person. I don't know, I was just kind of curious about how the characterization feels or what it means to you! :)
    Well, it's something I'd been thinking about for a while. It's just something I've never had an opportunity to talk about much, especially with such a seemingly strongly "8" female and thought it might be interesting. I feel like enneagram and mbti are so limited though, so at the same time I don't know how worthwhile talking/thinking about it extensively is lulz.
    Yeah...I think spiritual, not religious = ignorant heretic in some christian dialects...

    I try to keep it on the dl :spy:

    *raises you from the dead*

    I thought it was the right statement to make for it lol.

    Today in physics, we started talking about Relativity ,and then I looked over to my friend and whispered : "Mind fuck"
    and she immediately died laughing since she wasn't expecting me to actually say that.
    No, it's oright.
    Do whatever you like. I will share it with you some other way. :]
    Your spring break will actually be in the spring then and you get to go somewhere cool!

    I am hoping for at least 2-3 days of warm, sunny weather, weather that I can lay out in and blissfully do nothing/read in the afternoon.
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