Recent content by charlatan

  1. C

    Is MBTI becoming old?

    It seems like the Big 5 is still considered to have solid enough backing (although a closely related alternate the HEXACO also emerged). Given that the MBTI has close parallels to four of the five Big 5 dimensions, it seems that it's still a good idea. The fun thing about MBTI is that it...
  2. C

    Very interesting that you seem to have shifted to ennea-6; we talked of this earlier. :)

    Very interesting that you seem to have shifted to ennea-6; we talked of this earlier. :)
  3. C

    Why are you here if you are not INFJ?

    I think there are just a lot of discussions on typology that are interesting here. It's often hard for people to decide they're a given type without considering alternatives and ruling them out, so a lot of the discussion gets into the similarities and differences. But anecdotally, once I...
  4. C

    Enduring Problems in Philosophy

    Yeah, that's the gist; I'll just make sure one point is absolutely clear, though: I think some varieties of anti-physicalist monisms seem to not help, or not at all obviously help. I think some could, however! Indeed, this is why I think that currently, it's when I have to choose among the...
  5. C

    Enduring Problems in Philosophy

    @Ren no worries, it's always tough to trace where these misunderstandings happen, just now I'm sure we won't talk past each other. The fact is I'm genuinely undecided on that particular issue, and so most of what I write above is why I'm conservative in resting my anti-traditional-physicalism...
  6. C

    Enduring Problems in Philosophy

    Basically, you read the example of visual experience to somehow be supporting the claim that "aboutness" can be reduced to some really simple causal relation between a stimulus and the experience, then going on to say something to the effect, I think, that a leaf falling could somehow trigger a...
  7. C

    Enduring Problems in Philosophy

    @Ren That's true, but that's extremely, extremely far from the point I was making/regardless of where it's arising, this misunderstanding is too major to not clarify quite significantly. I think one big source of the problem is we have to distinguish the experience itself from the mental...
  8. C

    Enduring Problems in Philosophy

    @Ren BTW, thanks for bringing up this point, it's definitely an interesting one. I'm quite torn on the issue actually, the more I think about it -- does intentionality get properly accounted for by bare-bone physicalism? I think that the temptation could be to say that many conceptions of even...
  9. C

    Enduring Problems in Philosophy

    Well, that's technically not disagreeing with my exact claim, actually, it seems to me: my claim was not about whether it casts doubt to a non-specialist, so much as that the argument that traditional physicalist views fail to account for intentionality seems to me more controversial than other...
  10. C

    Enduring Problems in Philosophy

    Yeah of course/that part was I think something I'd agree with. (In fact, as someone cautious about physicalism in its "naive forms" and probably more skeptical than sympathetic, I DON'T think mind = the causal powers of the brain -- I don't rule the view out, but I am more skeptical of this one...
  11. C

    Enduring Problems in Philosophy

    I've thought about this intentionality issue a bit/my thoughts kinda circled this point, at least, I tend to wonder whether adding consciousness above the physical helps much with intentionality; the reason is basically that the fact of "aboutness" of, say, a visualization of a car...
  12. C

    Am I a 1w9 or a 4w3?

    It's true I don't really prefer one of the existing models over the others; if I seek a "best one," it's mostly that I try to put together what works from each of them and add in my own ideas that seem relevant. In that sense, I am actually quite attracted to the inclusive model thing; I try to...
  13. C

    Am I a 1w9 or a 4w3?

    My personal pet peeve is mostly when people take one of the functions-based systems and adhere to the rules too blindly -- after all, there are lots of competing theories for a reason. At the least, one has to justify why one takes the interpretation one does with a lot of seriousness or simply...
  14. C

    Am I a 1w9 or a 4w3?

    Sure! So the background is I'm discussing ways perceiving-judging (in the sense of the functions: i.e. sensation/intuition = perceiving, feeling/thinking = judging) differs from and is similar to P vs J as found in traditional Myers Briggs tests (in dichotomies form). By the purest of perceiving...
  15. C

    Am I a 1w9 or a 4w3?

    For what it's worth, a bunch of what Vendrah says is important stuff to keep in mind/what I hoped to underscore -- I think saying a Fi-dom is way less likely than Ni-dom to be a 1 smells fishy, whereas saying a J mentality is somewhat more likely to be 1 than a P mentality sounds less fishy...