Lol, sorry. I commented about it in that thread before I saw this. But yeah, I agree with you here. Something I like to point out, and might in that thread, is that religion is not inherently irrational. It just takes an assumption. For the reasons of belief, one assumes there is a God (as it is not a logically derivable claim, at least in deduction. It gets interesting when one starts talking about other logics

). This is not significantly different (opinion) than the assumption of science, that there is an external world. The external skeptic points out there is no way to know with certainty that we are not under a complete illusion: a matrix. We make an assumption that we are not, and so assume there is an external world. That way we can do science. I know of no argument to avoid the skeptic beyond arguments of practicality. It is practical to assume an external reality, for look at how well science works! But notice this doesn't deny the skeptic's point. A matrix might be completely logically coherent, and so obviously science would work. It might actually be weirder to assume that there is an entire world of an external reality than it is weird to assume there is some creator of our world (whatever that may be), and that creator is the thing we call God.
Tis true.
I can't promise it's gonna work here though.
I just think @charlatan is worth more than some generic pic. He deserves much better.