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  • I should be on later on today. Perhaps in a couple of hours while I am at work! I'll say hello if I see you on.
    Hey there,

    That email address should work! I just double checked it. I just sent you an msn request so hopefully that will work.
    I'm sorry to hear that. That's really not nice. We provide such an invaluable and beautiful service :) I just saw the thread, the question spoke to me, and wham, bam, it was alive again.
    BLah...Okay, so apparently my fingers were a little quick on that enter button. Anyhow, I wanted to also mention that is one of the best descriptions I've ever heard for experiencing spirituality. Well posted, well said! I hope your Mom gave you a positive response.
    It's directed towards almost every thread I've read.
    Not yours exclusively.
    hmms, no wonder why nothing was working, i forgot to confirm my email address...oops hehe
    Oh, don't be offended, I relish weirdness.

    To an extent.

    I don't like kippers in my tea or wear excessive amounts of the colour orange. Well
    ,save for the pure novelty of doing so.

    Oh, and I'm so not visiting if you make me remove my clothesD:
    Wow, you really are a freak!:3

    You make me feel slightly normal!


    Though kudos on the pansexuality and furry fetish.

    As for the transexual, meh, I appreciate gender too much to see it neglected, but I feel encouraged by your pride.;>
    *puts a sheet over your head.* Bad for your studies! Silly boy, that's bad for you. Meesh. Granted I am an internet addict so I am not one to talk.
    Big distraction from my studies although it seems to have not helped to have been away
    'ello... don't think I read anything of yours before I had myself banned. What's up?
    *nudge, nudge*
    Nosepokes are always welcome here. You've got some interesting about me section there. What would be your favorite topic to write about, or do you have some symbol that's constantly out there in your various writings?
    I'll be online for about 10 more minutes so tonight might not work out, but go ahead and add me on Messenger or something and we can talk some time. I think I left the address public.
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