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  • pizza hutt?!?! oh no u didnt/ srs .
    we're having dominos
    which is way better than pizza hut! HAH :3
    om nom nom pizza ! im getting double bacon cheeseburger . i am so bad at atyping right now... way blazed ay
    i doooooooooooo,yay me and m are getting pizza !!! :D :D :D so fecking keenlolllllllllllllllll
    haha im considering it aye. i dont really have a good reason to go over there though... haha maybe on mon tho since my mama and sis will be back. :D

    dont be ridiculous! :P
    I wish there was a way that wouldn't take a million yearssss haha.

    You would be closer to heaps of people up hereeee. :) but especially me.
    yeaaah and you'd be with meee :P

    i want to watch it tonight toooo, sucky we have no braodband so i cant D;
    its your decision ,lol if you want to talk to your parents about it you will. its your life. i would love for you to come live with me, but i know that realistically, you're going to do what you want. and i know what you will probably do. but thats ok. its your life, your choices, you're the one who lives with how they play out. :3 i am here for you no matter what though.

    and yup, keeen! im more keen to watch easy A again though tbh, it was so amusing
    atm its just me M and T i think. ive talked to M about it and he said u probably wouldn't come anyway :(
    we'd likely be on retainer rent so we could probably split ur share between the three of us while ur still in W or something, idk.

    yep ive seen whip it! :) went to see it at the movies even haha.
    HAH, like i would try get you to move all this way just to fill space, you dick! :P you know i want YOU to live with me because I LOVE YOU. goose. it would be SO much cheaper to live here.. i mean we pay 66 a week rent, not like $4995589345 like you do :P we are moving in like, late nov/ early dec so yeah, you've got heaps of time to decide. i think living here would be better for you in the long run :P i am a liiiitle biased though. hehe

    <3 AND YES I WANT TO WATCH IT AGAIN. parts of it are so so funny haha
    Hahaha those stairs, omfg. thats why you have to come live with me and M HERE. NO STAIRS. and we need someone else to live with.

    ahha i am totally cool with no more keira (except for maybe pirates of the Caribbean?) i so desperately need someone to watch crap girly movies with!! i usually end up watching shit like Easy A by myself. lol. i gotta pocket gotta pocket full of sunshine...... :]

    i am actually dead serious, i want you to come live with meeee. i wish you would. but i know you wont :(

    i love you toooooo x
    ok i just got back from my walk and i'm sorry to boss you around but you definitely have to:
    a) come flat with me
    b) be my woman
    c) watch cute movies with me and paint our nails together

    and there was an actual reason but i forgot. lol .
    and this is definitely not a joke.

    oh yes i remembered.

    so we can go on walks together and stuff because exercising is good for mood. :D
    you should make an effort. people like it when you make an effort.

    .. boooks ? lol . im getting max out a book and i'll try find somethingf for myeslf.
    hes gooooooood . hes at course atm but should be finishing now / very soon .you should send him a fb mailllll! put some effort in woooman ,.lol
    i need to put clothes on and go to the library. .haha
    Thats a looooooooooooot! xD I usually wear none at all . Like EVER. & when I wear red lipstick I usually try it on for about half an hour max and then take it off. Haha I never wear it out. I'm just not a make-up person,way too self-conscious haha.
    you can do my makeup too, i just plain dont wear makeup because im awful at it. i'm considering getting into it a liiittle bit though.
    that would be awesome!! then you can do my nails all the time haha. do a beauty course at ucol so u can come be my ladyyyy. :D
    hahah i actually looked at doing a one year nails course... but its in chch and not running coz of the earthquakes. hah.
    man if i had the money to buy hundreds i'd also hire someone to paint my nails for me coz i fucking hate it haha
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