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  • i had a peep in before and it didn't look vuuurry interesting but i'll have a look now since i assume you are in there :3

    Things are going pretty well. Just getting ready for school to strat back up again. Summer was not long enough. :(
    Haven't finished them all yet buuuuut I figured since I was wasting time fucking around on the internet tonight I might as well be here as well :P
    I'll be free tomorrow if you are interested.

    And what did you think my voice was going to sound like?
    Good call. Who knows, maybe someday they will bring a psych unit back to the area and I can do nursing there...who knows. Is it just me or are the forums awfully boring lately? It's probably just me. I wonder where C_O went? Jerk, he told me he would warn me if he was gonna leave. Now I have to wait till he comes back to beat his arse. He was one of the few who acknowledge my presence here, otherwise, I feel somewhat invisible. Blah...I miss my brother. It's still overwhelming. It kind of makes me angry when I see people posting stuff on his memorial site about how great he was and stuff. I'm like, why couldn't anyone tell him this stuff while he was still around? Why don't people acknowledge this shit while people are still alive? It's awful how we take people for granted.
    Okies, I'll just set my alarm for 6 and when I wake up, I'll check the forum for your rsvp.
    I'll make you warm XD

    To be honest, your voice took me aback. You didn't have a hint of an accent at all in your first few words, but as you got talking, I started to hear a cute lilt in your tone. You definitely sound lower than I expected though, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
    Hmm, if you want, I can wake up early tomorrow if you are still on and sing to you...Like maybe 10 0r 11 PM your time. (6 or 7am mine).
    Yes clothes are optional! XD (and that goes for you as well, beautiful ). Just let me know when. Though tomorrow morn (for me) might be the best time because I have to get up early anyways XDD

    Your voice is very fitting for you : D What chu talkin about?
    Haha, I figured as much..It's all good

    I enjoyed every bit of it. We must continue sometime!
    I love hearing your voice : D
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