Recent content by daydreamer

  1. daydreamer

    Thank you! :)

    Thank you! :)
  2. daydreamer

    The Hunger Games Trilogy

    Oh yeah, good point! :D
  3. daydreamer

    Ask and Answer!

    Exercising a bit, I'm not really that sure. Are you the oldest in the family?
  4. daydreamer

    Hey, how is the boxing coming along?

    Hey, how is the boxing coming along?
  5. daydreamer

    Ask and Answer!

    I don't know if this will work, but their is no harm in trying. You have question, then the person below answers and then asks a question of their own. What's your favorite song?
  6. daydreamer

    The Hunger Games Trilogy

    I don't know if he's extraverted, though. Spoiler: He tried to talk to Katniss for six months but failed until he was called for the hunger gamees.
  7. daydreamer

    The Hunger Games Trilogy

    I'm not really quite sure, but one thing I think for a fact is that Katniss is a T and Peeta is an F.
  8. daydreamer

    Hey, how's it going? :)

    Hey, how's it going? :)
  9. daydreamer

    What color eyes does your soul have?

    Your Soul Has Blue Eyes You hold a lot of power, and you just seem to draw people to you. You are a very strong person. You set your sights on what you want and follow your vision. You believe that all your dreams are within reach. You are magnetic and passionate. You are good at rallying...
  10. daydreamer

    What sucks about being introverted?

    That sounds pretty cool, actually. I guess that's sort of true for me too sometimes, but sports really got me to not care and to just ask questions anyway. I've had that happen to me before, too, when you're left out of a group. Sometimes you just need to open up. It hurts when you get...
  11. daydreamer

    What kind of charmer are you?

    I got air charmer.
  12. daydreamer

    What sucks about being introverted?

    Some people are just both. I try to be friendly with some introverts but they just totally ignore me :censored: You want to hear the actual good things about being an introvert? Here: -You're better listeners. You pay attention to what people say and that makes others feel good. Plus it's a...
  13. daydreamer

    INFJs, Changing or Losing Religious Faith

    Been raised Catholic and still am Catholic.
  14. daydreamer

    hi! (:

    hi! (:
  15. daydreamer

    Hiya! :)

    Hiya! :)