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Have you or any INFJs you personally know ever lost faith in a religion generally, and specifically Christianity?
*What I mean is that you were devout in adulthood, but then became less devout, experienced partial/total disbelief, or began to believe in heretical versions of your faith (or some other faith). Please explain why it happened. Please also explain what you believe in today.
The reason I ask is because I know many INFJs who are intensely devout in their beliefs, but was wondering if there are ever cases when INFJs have changed their spiritual/religious worldviews?
Thanks in advance!
Have you or any INFJs you personally know ever lost faith in a religion generally, and specifically Christianity?
*What I mean is that you were devout in adulthood, but then became less devout, experienced partial/total disbelief, or began to believe in heretical versions of your faith (or some other faith). Please explain why it happened. Please also explain what you believe in today.
The reason I ask is because I know many INFJs who are intensely devout in their beliefs, but was wondering if there are ever cases when INFJs have changed their spiritual/religious worldviews?
Thanks in advance!