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  • Please don't worry about the email notification for private messages. I found it in my spam folder. That was the first email I ever had in that hidden spam folder in two years.
    Hey, I just wanted to stop by and thank you for all the hard work you're putting into these forums. I know sometimes appreciation can get squashed out and unheard underneath a sea of complaints because everyone wants everything to be just perfect and get excited about it. I personally really appreciate all you do here and just wanted to let you know :D
    DJ, you should take a look at my wall. Cocobean says that whenever she clicks conversation between Odyne and Cocobean" some random picture pops up. (it's Billy's picture from Memebers photos thread...) It's really odd. I don't seem to see it though. Only on Coco's end.
    You won't get any more bars cause it keeps saying I have to spread reputation around! You are doing a fabulous job! Okay enuf Feeler stuff. Carry on.

    Edit: Uh You don't mind me calling you Jammie do you? *fears being banned*
    DJ, how do I create a 2nd blog in the 'Blogs' bit? Sorry to annoy you, I just can't figure out and it's driving me mad.ETA: I think I figured out its not possible. *facepalm*
    Sorry mate, I was a little immature, could you please delete the kiu thread that I created in the public discussions area?
    How do you report someone in IRC? or is it not related to the forum?
    hi Deathjam i am having a problem with my signature. i can't seem to get rid of it even when i remove everything from the "Edit Signature" box. how can i get rid of it? cheers
    You cracked me up, oh Fearless Leader of the Forum. It takes talent to be so funny with just a one word answer!
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