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  • I've yet to see any progress on my demands, deathjam. you can fix the forum but you cant force shai to change his avatar? this seems...

    sloppy, bro.
    haaaaa you need to have shai gar take down his kitty avatar- using force.

    that's YOUR thing! It confuses me D:
    Hey Deej... I'm feeling rather silly because I can't figure out how to create another album on my profile... *blush* Do you think you could please help me. I must just not be seeing it. Thank you. :hug:
    Thanks for using your moederation skills! We are indeed lucky to have you. Btw your kittehs are so cute n_n, and I hate kittehs.
    Hi, sorry to bug ya. Uhm, i'm not sure who's in charge of deleting threads here...errr, but i started one in the Philosophy & Religion section and just changed by mind about it. Can you delete it? It's pretty useless now. Tnx.
    hi. *waves* i hope you're doing good. *blushes, sighs, and all those other things she does that there aren't any emoticons for* :)
    Hey DJ, can you set me up with op in chat under Lurker? I've just managed to register it.
    Hey Deathjam, :wave: Thank you for getting the forum up and running so quickly! Your hard work is GREATLY appreciated. :smile: Again, THANK YOU!!!!
    You sir, are awesome for taking all this time to work on a forum like this. I don't think I have properly thanked you for it! :D
    although, to answer your question it would depend how much i have had to drink, and if she was a cute thai ladyboy... and noone ever found out about it, and i was that drunk i'd never remember it.
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