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  • Not fed up at all. Just a different kind of energy.

    I have a couple of threads that I want to respond to, but I am not feeling very prolific today. :P
    I think the problem here is that you want to figure it out quickly. It is easy to take notice of means and tactics because they are short-term events, but ends and goals are long-term objectives and so they need a longer time of observation in order to decipher their nature. With lots of practice using this approach you'll be able to build a model that, to some accuracy, will shed a light on what the end could be. When projecting an unknown, you'll always deal with uncertainty, so leave some room for error; a couple of hypothesis to shuffle with according to the present situation.

    Of course with people, there is a huge margin of error because here we're dealing with the steady mechanics of a species, but also the unpredictable complexity of individuals and the uniqueness of their experience.
    Depends on the puzzle and the piece. If the puzzle is of higher important, then the piece is wrong and needs changing. If the piece is of higher value, then look for the right puzzle it fits. Either way, don't be afraid to radically change the rules of the game.

    That's as general as I can get. What's troubling you? :]
    Well, a businessman I met in an internet cafe offered me a secretary job when he saw me typing. (I can type 70 wpm or so) I was working as a teacher over there in a special needs school. The teach I was working closest with left the school and set up her own special needs school. The school we worked at was very corrupt and every lunch time she would talk to me about her plans and said she would love for me to go work with her. She gets in touch every few months and lets me know how things are going.

    Excuse my ignorance, but whats the Queens Jubilee? I've seen a few people post about it on facebook too! It sounds like you had a good time! What else have you been up to lately?

    I'm doing ok...keeping busy. Just the usual...baby, housework, etc. I got to see my family a bit over the long weekend which was nice. I don't usually ever see them, so its a rare treat!

    haha yes, i do like challenges. But no, I am not moving just now. I only moved in to the house I'm living in about 8 months ago...so ill be staying here for as long as possible! I am actually thinking about emigrating. My country is in a right state and I don't feel like there's much here for me. It probablt won't be for a while, but I'm starting to think about it anyway!
    Yes, I will tonight. Maybe in an hour or so.
    Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing.
    LOL! It is possible that neither will work and I end up doing nothing.
    Psh, please. No queen rocks heels the way I do.

    If your question was a serious one, I don't think you're a drama queen. I was only teasing :P

    I haven't started either of the two projects. I am still doing research and trying to figure out which one is more possible and realistic. Ya know, doing my ENTJ thang.
    Oh, don't be such a drama queen. :P

    I wanted to see it too, but I don't know. I think I will wait for it to come out on DVD and then watch it.
    Agreed! Nowadays I look up movies to watch according to the cast, just cause bad acting sometimes ruins the best of stories.
    It was alright. It left me wanting more. It was Snow white and the huntsman. Regardless of plot or script, Charlize Theron's acting was superb as usual.
    Not that that sort of thing would stop you, Mr. Tiny-Chat-All-Night-Caffeinate-All-Day. Have fun!
    I will try and look into it, but currently it resides very low on my interest meter.

    I hope you're having great days. :]
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