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  • Let not mimic those two - I don't want to be their twin. Let's be our own twins.

    Perhaps you haven't found the right spirituality. I didn't even know there was more than one (I'm Catholic) - but much to my surprise there are litterally hundreds of different spiritualities in my religion - I like a bit from here and a bit from there - but my three favourite are those of the Order of Preachers (or Dominicans, named after St Dominic) - that seeks to know and love God through secular as well as theological study; the Carmelite spirituality (especially in the writings of St Teresa of Avila) that emphasises simplicity in prayer - but also teaches that the more interior a prayer is, the closer it is to one's heart, the closer one draws to God; and finally the Carthusian Order's spirituality, which is centred around silence and recollection.

    What religion/belief/faith/etc are/were you?
    Forum twins! ha! What are the rules?

    The only mismatch we might have is that basically faith is sweetest part of my life.
    OMG What a fabulous thread you started there! I've got sadness however :(
    The past six days (yeah....6) I've been incapacitated by headaches and fever. The fever is gone, but the headaches aren't. I've been taking meds to clear me up long enough to do some school work before the meds knock me out again. today was better, hopefully i am finally on the mend, but I will get to this thread (hopefully sooner rather than later)and i'll make it an extra special post just for you! Love you lots!
    I'm sorry Love, but you know I cant sit there and let some idiots rip down who I am and remain silent. I am not into going along to get along. Unless I am the one doing the getting.

    The worst part of this bullshit is that my life as you well know is an existential crisis to find meaning, its very ni dominated. learning about what Ni is gave me a LOT of peace in my mind because I was so afraid that I was going crazy for so long because of the way my head works. To have some asshole sensor come out and tell me that thats all wrong and a lie and its what he mistakingly believes it is is utterly offensive and I will rip a new asshole out of anyone who tries that on me.

    So I apologize in advance if it gets like that, youre the best person I met on this forum and I wouldnt want to lose that connection either, not that we would, but online i mean.

    You should come down sometime this or next week. :D you can bring your friends if you want.
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