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  • T
    Haha, he's a silly man.
    But I'm afraid this is a love-triangle.
    Because I love you..

    Edit: I meant pimpin'
    I think I shouldn't have posted it, because some people seem to think I'm an unloving / unlovable man.
    And I guess I shouldn't have confrontated the TS with it, but hey, I'm a rebel.
    Are you pimin' mah sithlord? (I mean sith of course)
    Sure , I don't see why not—but for some reason I can't see my text as I type here in this window... I guess this is your turf huh!
    You said it...we need solutions, and we need people who aren't afraid to question what's already in place.

    And that's the nicest thing I've heard all day, thank you for making my day!
    Thanks! And yeah, I'm in that boat with you. It's a double edged sword. If we vaccinate, we increase population, and thus increase the problems that are already there. If we don't, we're condemning these people to certain death and suffering when we know we have the means to avoid it.
    Oh, I see. Hope you have a great evening then :p

    Hopefully I'll catch you on the chat later.

    I'm not too bad
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