Recent content by doppy

  1. doppy

    Trump will win again

    I hope it will be. I did forget to add that people that support Trump do not always do so in good faith. There are so many of them that are trying to win a culture war at any cost. I believe this article here best explains about how I feel about those Trump supporters that come in bad faith.
  2. doppy

    Trump will win again

    @slant I mostly agree with you. I’ve been typing up an article about the root causes behind why Trump won and being the perfectionist that I am, it’s taking me awhile to finish. It’s basically an analysis of populism and the resulting democratic backsliding. Also, how K-12 public education is...
  3. doppy

    Trump will win again

    Thanks for the context, I was in a rush and wanted to post that story. I figured that putting the link there would be good enough. But yes, why should the taxpayers pay for something that his personal lawyers should handle? You know why he doesn’t want anyone to see his tax returns? It’s...
  4. doppy

    Trump will win again

    How is this okay? Not even the most ardent Trump supporter can say this is okay. I’d like to hear a good rationale for this one. If a judge allows the DOJ to take over the defense of Trump over a personal matter that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the federal gov’t or American interests...
  5. doppy

    Trump will win again

    The problem is that much of the norms surrounding public health look to the executive branch of the federal gov’t for guidance and coordination. Trump’s administration failed tremendously in this regard. If he wanted to take a hands off approach to everything, he should have made this clear on...
  6. doppy

    Trump will win again

    I can read perfectly fine. Can you? You said insurance and business lobbies. In essence, lobbyists like perhaps the Chamber of Commerce... Perhaps you should read your own writing.
  7. doppy

    Trump will win again

    Would be? The “riots” are happening right now. So are they doing this at this very moment or not? If so, who specifically is specifically doing it? You do realize that a lot of those lobbies are libertarian-bent and funded by the Koch brothers. They probably would never go for the feds...
  8. doppy

    Trump will win again

    Good luck with doing RICO. More than half of those guys were probably smart enough to use a VPN to cloak their real IP address while on social media. Sounds like that trick would be big huge mess that no investigator would bother to unless they had a big shot mob boss to take down, piles of...
  9. doppy

    Trump will win again

    Unless one of the violent protesters crossed state lines or the crime took place on federal land, they do not have jurisdiction to prosecute or arrest.
  10. doppy

    Media honesty

    Anyways, I wish people would stop conflating op-eds with the news bureau and publisher that publishes them. For those that are unaware of how journalism works in the West, if you want to know the view of the news bureau in question, you need to look for editorials. Not op-eds. Most especially...
  11. doppy

    Media honesty

    Sorry about coming at you like that. It’s simply the inner debater in me. I’ve been doing it a very long time now, since I was a teenager and I’m 31 now. You’re new here just like me. The first thing that you want to do is establish your credibility when jumping in discussions like these...
  12. doppy

    Trump will win again

    @noisebloom Dude, you totally get it. 100% But we’re liberal Marxist commies, racist sexist Nazis, or DINOs for daring to challenge the polarization that threatens the health of our democracy and is leading to democratic backsliding. Bravo!
  13. doppy

    Media honesty

    The very first article was a factual account of Bob Corker, a Republican (not a major news bureau) saying he could lead the country into WW3. Not a good look for you so far.
  14. doppy

    Media honesty

    I sense more bias in this thread than the lamestream media. It’s called the hostile media effect and this thread is bursting at the seams with it. Can you please cite some specific examples of this? Namely, I need to see evidence that a major news bureau like NBC News, NYTimes, WaPo, etc...
  15. doppy

    Contemporary R&B

    This one’s a classic. Missy Elliott was part of this group in the beginning of her career.