Trump will win again

I think the 'threat of communism' is not that there will be a communist party but, rather, that sneaky communists are sneaking ideas into American minds so that communists don't even need to be in government to have the Statue of Liberty redesigned so that they is wearing a pantsuit - the people will demand it. There is a bit of a conflation between communism and deconstructionism but the latter has too many syllables for the average joe who just wants someone to blame. I think it's a shame. Deconstructionism would for sure get shortened to Destructionism and then you've got a bad-ass political enemy for the 21st century. I should probably tweet Trump. It's the sort of thing he'd probably run with.
I read something a while ago about "cultural Marxism". It's sort a response to how communism never really took hold in the West. Communism provoked distrust, envy, and conflict between the stratas of old societies where people were stuck in their class and occupation. But since in the west people believe they can improve their position in society through work and entrepreneurship, it never bred the same resentment.

So instead of economic class, they focused on creating dissent and resentment based on attributes one cannot change about oneself: skin colour, sex, height, etc. It almost seems like the point of creating conflict and division is for the sake of harnessing the resentment of "minorities" and attaining power from it. For cultural Marxists there is nothing they can gain by promoting feelings of unity, identification with other citizens, national pride/unity based on citizenship, or general contentment.
That's your hope, not an impartial prediction.

This whole thread is a mess: "Trump will win again". Most models don't favor Trump at all.
You're doing exactly what I'm critiquing: reframing things to fit an absurd narrative of your own.

I don't hope Trump wins, I merely think he will. In fact, it's people like you whose patronising narratives who I do hope end up losing.

There's a difference. I don't hope Republicans win, but I do hope democrats lose, for being so fucking annoying.
I think the 'threat of communism' is not that there will be a communist party but, rather, that sneaky communists are sneaking ideas into American minds so that communists don't even need to be in government to have the Statue of Liberty redesigned so that they is wearing a pantsuit - the people will demand it. There is a bit of a conflation between communism and deconstructionism but the latter has too many syllables for the average joe who just wants someone to blame. I think it's a shame. Deconstructionism would for sure get shortened to Destructionism and then you've got a bad-ass political enemy for the 21st century. I should probably tweet Trump. It's the sort of thing he'd probably run with.
The DHS does not agree that radical white nationalists and white supremacists aren't one of the biggest threats of domestic terrorism in the US...or that it isn't on the rise. You can read about it (on page 10).

Department of Homeland Security strategy adds white supremacy to list of threats

I'm glad the white supremacist terrorists are being targeted. They always are, because nobody likes them.

Now if white supremacists terrorists are the number one threat let's get started on working on antifa terrorists as the number 2 threat, or whatever rank order they fall into.
I'm glad the white supremacist terrorists are being targeted. They always are, because nobody likes them.

Now if white supremacists terrorists are the number one threat let's get started on working on antifa terrorists as the number 2 threat, or whatever rank order they fall into.
Antifa is briefly mentioned in there as well.
Antifa is briefly mentioned in there as well.
That's great! I wish the mayors and governors got on the same page and rounded up any and all domestic terrorists. Give the police back their teargas and throw people who get violent in a cell, regardless of their political persuasion with the notable exception of in cases of self defense.

But as I warned in the other thread a while ago, citizen militias are an unfortunate result of handicapping the police. Nobody is going to stand by and allow their home to be burned down. Police should have the resources to protect people and disperse violent crowds.
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That's great! I wish the mayors and governors got on the same page and rounded up any and all domestic terrorists. Give the police back their teargas and throw people who get violent in a cell, regardless of their political persuasion with the notable exception of in cases of self defense.

But as I warned in the other thread a while ago, citizen militias are an unfortunate result of handicapping the police. Nobody is going to stand by and allow their home to be burned down. Police should have the resources to protect people and disperse violent crowds.
I'm hearing that police are declaring riots and firing tear gas at protestors. Happening in Portland now.

Really wild that those responsible for keeping the peace are who the protestors are protesting for excessive use of force. I don't see this winding down until Congress--both sides-- decide to do their job and acknowledge the grievances raised and work together toward reform.
this country is being torn apart to suit the desires of trump. . he made this mess for his re-election. .the race bating is accelerating, fuel ed by trump
These discussions are always difficult for me to engage in, partly because so much is conflated and confused.

There are both peaceful and violent protesters. I know a non-trivial number of people that have peacefully protested police brutality in the last year, and there were no allegations of violence by these protesters. There are also indeed violent protesters, people that quote MLK regarding riots being the language of the unheard and believe this is the best option to create true change, etc. Left-wing media would have you believe that violent protesters are perhaps a trivial minority, while right-wing media would have you believe they are the problem (you can swap these views when it comes to the police violence topic). Any sort of discussion focusing on the statistics/numbers probably won't go anywhere; we can also try to come to some sort of consensus on "reliable sources", and I think we'd be hard-pressed to all agree on one (tangentially, I personally have preferred WSJ and very recently Reuters).

Anyway, I think violent protesters should be held accountable for their actions, but peaceful protesters not breaking the law should not be "caught in the crossfire". Unfortunately, peaceful protesters are, sometimes because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time, but sometimes because I don't think all law enforcement officers necessarily would differentiate. These two groups may effectively be conflated, as well... just like "good cops" and "bad cops" are by the other side. We have people following and violating the law on both sides in debatable quantities.

White nationalism and Antifa are both definitely ideologies, but how do we identify members of these groups? It's not always easy. The state I live in is considered to have some of the highest hate group participation rates in the country, but whenever members of these groups are interviewed, they deny being in a hate group. I believe Antifa itself is not really an organization, as much as some sort of umbrella term that radical left-wing groups use to protest government and police actions.

There's just a mess of groups and ideas that are too difficult to delineate, categorize, etc. Violent people do need to be held accountable, and that includes citizens and police officers. I recently saw a very clear and undeniable video of a police officer sexually assaulting a woman, and none of the many officers present did anything about it. I also tried to help a friend of a friend who was assaulted by a counter-protester during a protest while a local police officer encouraged the violence, but the "viral video" the left propagated falsified some details of the event, and I think an honest depiction would have actually been much more effective at remedying the situation. The point is, again, that so much is manipulated, conflated, confused, and used to generally mislead or persuade people towards one side or the other. We end up holding onto what we relate to, further reinforcing the views we pretty much already had. The level of emotion in our media helps, as well.

I don't think it's often that leaders can simply stop or fix a problem, especially ones as complex as some of them that have become "top-of-mind" in the past year. However, in America, the president does influence the rhetoric of the mainstream political movements. They influence the anger, the tone, and the perception of the country's citizens. They influence our idea of "how things are going". They influence the aforementioned emotion. Mastering this influence is key to being a good leader. A good supervisor chooses his words carefully and needs to think about how they will be perceived. I'm sure most people here have an example of a boss they had that was perfectly capable of creating a toxic environment. This is one of the major problems with Trump, imo. I don't actually think he's cognizant of the effect of his words, but they do definitely have a profound effect on the current angle of both political movements. One could argue (and some in this thread have certainly implied so) that a leader that doesn't raise alarm so overtly could effectively hide the problems of a country. I definitely agree with this. This is really what I see as the good side of the current administration, i.e. the cracks show a little bit more which provides more opportunity for insight.

I think that this time in America will prove to be a valuable and notable history lesson in the future, but I can't speak to exactly what that lesson will be right now.
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@noisebloom Dude, you totally get it. 100% But we’re liberal Marxist commies, racist sexist Nazis, or DINOs for daring to challenge the polarization that threatens the health of our democracy and is leading to democratic backsliding.

I'm hearing that police are declaring riots and firing tear gas at protestors. Happening in Portland now.
Yeah there's like a half a dozen cities rioting and they waffle on responses.
apparently they broke this ban and used teargas anyways in Seattle 3 days later. Side effect of doing what you have to do or side effect of having your pay slashed and not giving a shit anymore?
Really wild that those responsible for keeping the peace are who the protestors are protesting for excessive use of force. I don't see this winding down until Congress--both sides-- decide to do their job and acknowledge the grievances raised and work together toward reform.
As long as Trump can keep finding federal charges to stick the violent protesters the numbers will slowly dwindle, much faster if he can get Antifa classified as organized crime and prosecute them under Rico.

The violent part of the protests will stop when enough of them are rotting in federal prisons and then the peaceful people can continue on doing whatever they like :)
As long as Trump can keep finding federal charges to stick the violent protesters the numbers will slowly dwindle, much faster if he can get Antifa classified as organized crime and prosecute them under Rico.

The violent part of the protests will stop when enough of them are rotting in federal prisons and then the peaceful people can continue on doing whatever they like :)
Unless one of the violent protesters crossed state lines or the crime took place on federal land, they do not have jurisdiction to prosecute or arrest.
Unless one of the violent protesters crossed state lines or the crime took place on federal land, they do not have jurisdiction to prosecute or arrest.
Yes, that is true. It's why the justice department can't get all of them. Unless they use Rico because antifa organizes across state lines.
@Reason I'm just wondering - do you think that federalism is working for the United States?

It seems to me, from the outside looking in, that people look to the President and expect him to behave as if he were the leader of a unitary state, and that this is the de facto reality of the country.

No comment...
Yes, that is true. It's why the justice department can't get all of them. Unless they use Rico because antifa organizes across state lines.
Good luck with doing RICO. More than half of those guys were probably smart enough to use a VPN to cloak their real IP address while on social media. Sounds like that trick would be big huge mess that no investigator would bother to unless they had a big shot mob boss to take down, piles of drugs on the table for the media to take pictures, etc. Except these are all everyday knuckleheads that don’t mean a shit to anyone. Sorry, but I don’t see the federal gov’t having their hearts in this. Only reason they care is because they don’t want to piss Trump off. They need to stroke his cock every now and then.

The Wire TV show is so incredibly accurate, it’s ridiculous.
Good luck with doing RICO. More than half of those guys were probably smart enough to use a VPN to cloak their real IP address while on social media. Sounds like that trick would be big huge mess that no investigator would bother to unless they had a big shot mob boss to take down, piles of drugs on the table for the media to take pictures, etc. Except these are all everyday knuckleheads that don’t mean a shit to anyone. Sorry, but I don’t see the federal gov’t having their hearts in this. Only reason they care is because they don’t want to piss Trump off. They need to stroke his cock every now and then.

The Wire TV show is so incredibly accurate, it’s ridiculous.
Insurance and business lobbies would be pressuring them to prosecute. Also, since the riots are having a negative impact on democrat polls, there might be less foot dragging.