Trump will win again

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I do care, i believe you do not believe that but it is true. I care about this country and have lived in quite a few different states both in the cities, the suburbs and in small towns. I have raised a family here and have adult children who are starting their lives. I have always voted and always been devoted to the well being of my family and neighbors.
I am sick and tired of self centered right wingers who believe that the old, the infirm and the poverty stricken should be left to their own devices.
I am tired of the lie that while every advanced nation in the world can provide health care and decent elder care we will not.
I am weary of those who pretend they want honest open discourse but what they really want is for those who disagree with them to shut up.
I am perplexed that as we head into an world wide climate disaster the political party in charge is calling it a hoax and deliberately silencing anyone who disagrees.
you claim to be a reasonable person but your not. your reasoning is infected with right wing conspiracies and believe that those who strive for a more socially and environmentally modern nation are on the pay roll of a self hating Jewish billionaire.
you applaud the machinations of a south African racist who is taking a sledgehammer to legally enacted government programs because you think we should be on the gold standard.
your sense of what this nation is and should be is blurred the crap you believe.
I know you don’t understand me in the same way I don’t understand you. We both see each other as naive and lacking in many ways.

I didn’t vote for Trump and I consider myself independent, moderate, and pragmatic. I want many of the things you want but I don’t want many things you want. I can hear your voice and understand, and though I often want to use derogatory words toward you [because your words are hurtful] I choose to remain civil - it is a choice.

You seem to be far left and progressive.
I am annoyed that the impeachment thread keeps getting closed.
I blame you for that.
If and when it opens again I would appreciate it if you would keep your butt hurt butt out of it
I am annoyed that the impeachment thread keeps getting closed.
I blame you for that.
If and when it opens again I would appreciate it if you would keep your butt hurt butt out of it
I can not promise that. I would not ask you to silence your voice and you should not ask me to silence mine. That is what makes for mutual respect. I do not have a "hurt butt," and I do have plenty to say about many things. I hope we can be civil with our words.
I'll lock this thread as well for now, and any others if bickering gets disruptive
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