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  • I would like it if there were more women willing to take the lead in relationships or at least put forth an equal effort.
    Muffin <3 /i'm sooo hungry../
    If you only got one post deleted there (i didn't see it) that's nothing to worry about. If they decide to warn you officially, I will send them PM with explanation. They have just introduced a new system with multiple warnings, and I don't think this case deserves any warning; or if it does, they should warn me.
    I'm not from the "no treatment is the best treatment" camp, I didn't explain myself clearly enough, which is my fault, sorry again. That would be certainly EVEN WORSE than medications, if transformed into some great rule. I don't think people can consciously pull themselves out of it (in most cases), it would be neglectful of society to expect it from them, so I'm with you on that.

    I'm very sorry that my comments disturbed you that much. ;( I sometimes don't write good, I can see how it happened now. My examples were not clearly put in the frame of what exactly I support and don't support, which confused you from the beginning (and you said so!), I should have gone back and re-analyzed the posts.

    Thanks for resolving the issue, and if there are problems with the forum staff, please direct them to me. I will try to be more careful in the future. Especially since you are a new member, you have no idea how I would reason, and it's natural that you get confused.
    Hi there! :) Sorry if you felt that I have offended you. I don't know why you reacted so defensively from my first post. I tend to sound TOO critical, I admit, but the post was not addressed specifically at you. Then, next, in the second post I have no idea why you read somewhere in my words that I have called you inhumane. I really haven't. Maybe I was still editing my post and something went misunderstood.

    Anyway, I feel terrible that it has come so far that people can only rely on treatments, in SO MANY cases. I don't say it's wrong, only that it's a pity, and it shouldn't come to this, because it wasn't like this in all possible times and societies.

    I do NOT support self-help, as some rule. And this whole idea that one can "cure" themselves on their own, by sheer will; sometimes it may work, sometimes not. In this regard, having medication is still better to have, but it's an awful "solution", in general, especially since depression doesn't exist in all environments.

    And since you are in free hugs (i'm too), a hug of peace :hug:
    Honestly I haven't listened to them much, but they are cool from what I've heard. I mostly enjoy 80s hair bands and classic rock/metal
    Well MUD can be a LOT more cut-throat. Anyone can attack anyone (although there are peace rooms). When you die, you lose 1/4 experience of a level, and all your equipment ends up in your corpse and can be looted by anyone (including yourself). On WoW that would be chaos. On MUD, there's only 50-100 people on-line at a time. The politics maintain order. If you ever attack anyone, you will become their enemy indefinitely. They will hunt you every time they see you on-line. This leads to clans and some interesting tactical play. If there's enemies on, we simply won't log in until we have enough players to push them off. Sometimes we'll log a lot of players really quickly and ambush them before they have a chance to run. Sometimes we'll log 1 player to bait them, and log 10 more quickly when they move in to attack. Sounds fun but it's not so fun when your group wipes and you have zero equipment and have to build up your set again.
    I remember when those guys were on the Eurovision song contest. They're pretty cool. :)
    Oh. I play Bloodscalp. I don't have a single lvl 80 yet. I used to play MUD (some text RPG). There was a lot of rivalry on the MUD. I was part of one of the stronger clans. Was hoping WoW would have a similar sort of thing.
    Thanks for the muffin. I love muffins :) Have some chocolate.

    Ooh. I see you're a rock & 80s metal fan! Awesomeness! :)
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