Dutch Cake
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  • Hi sweetie. Just wanted to let you know you are missed and thought of. I'm pretty sure you're super busy because I know you were in the last leg of your trimester. Take care of yourself darling, and come back soon. :hug:
    yea, i have custody issues of mine own. which is why my 2 ex-wives both have the kids. i seen my oldest 2 (from 1st ex) this past February, just overnight before i moved about 1,000 miles away. my youngest (from 2nd ex), i haven't seen since she was 3 in January 2006... now she's 7 and i don't even know what she looks like...
    not getting to see your kids suck, so i try to tell everyone to spend as much time with your kids as possible. cause one day, they could be gone.

    now, its just me and i just try to take it one day at a time.
    i have 3 of mine own, but there are issues with seeing any of them. they grow up quick though, and i cherish my memories of spending time with them
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