You're a smart cookie, I know you'll whiz through it
Are your exams really spaced out? I'll try and hitch a ride whenever you're free

! You and M should also try super hard to come to E&J's party

Maybe we could get the person who gave you a ride to my birthday to bring you guys again? I'm sure he wouldn't mind!
LETS BE NEIGHBOURS IN ADELAIDE! I'm legit keen. We are seriously considering going over since it's just better - at the moment anyway! And it won't be too much of change from NZ!
I'm SO glad you remembered, ahaha! I was thinking I was being a real bitch just then but its just like... <_____> !! Ahh, she was being mean to me first D: saying my idea for G's suprise present was lame

anyway, we need to take some <_> pictures when we hang

lovelovelovelove yooou <3