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  • Hmm. Well if you like it I say go for it!! I like old people names too. They're classy. My sister and I both have old people names lol. I hardly know anyone in my age group who has my name and almost no one who has my sister's either.
    ah yes, straight hair is easier to manage, that's for sure. I like to have mine curly just because I can't be bothered to put in the effort lol.

    As for Edith.... That would be an interesting change. Why that one?
    What is Minecraft? I haven't heard of this. It's some kind of game?

    Oh I haven't straightened my hair in SO long. I just kind of pull it out of a towel and do its thing lol. I can't even be bothered to brush it. It just curls.

    What are you going to change it to?
    I am doing a-okay. Working some insane shifts lately (midnight shifts this week, some of them 12 hours). I haven't got much online time lately. I am out of touch! How are you doing?
    Yes, but did not think about them all being variations of the name John at the time. My oldest is named after my Dad, whose given name is Jack, and my middle son John is named after Grandfather on the other side. Sean is my given middle name. I have a Sara and an Erin too, but we didn't plan on everyone having 4 letter name either, just worked out like that.
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