enfp can be shy
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  • Thanks for the rep, and the concern. I've got my fingers crossed that it's nothing major. I'll keep you guys updated.
    Yeap I'm familiar with that confusion :) we INFJ's are the peaceful sages, but there's steel
    core under all the fluffyness. Inside every one of us there is a little ISTP (Ti + Se working
    ruthlessly to eliminate any error and terror that seems to cause harm to us and to our
    loved ones.) That part of our psyche is reached very rarely excluding the unhealthy ones
    under the shadow mode, I've heard Hitler was INFJ.. Possibly the most horrifying example
    of INFJ gone wrong. Mind of INFJ is powerful weapon, all the passion and intuition can be
    used both for good and for bad. The perfect example of healthy INFJ with decent sense
    of moral and drive to make world better would be Martin Luther King jr.

    So INF(Jedi's) comes with the sword :mjediv:
    But don't worry about that, ENFP's are the best ! :D
    Why, Thankyou for your compliment.

    As vegetarians go, I am one. :m177:

    I'll have to try and figure out something new that I can do.
    Misanthropy is popular in humor because people are frustrating. It doesn't make someone cruel or misanthropic to laugh at such things, it's a means of venting. Maybe you just have a very different sense of humor.
    Cruel? What specifically are you talking about? What's cruel?

    I wouldn't say cruelty is popular. I would say, that laughter and humor are coping mechanisms that people employ when they feel uncomfortable with a subject.
    Thanks! You are certainly welcome to share your opinion! You always have something interesting to add. :)
    Oh, good luck with finding the glasses to suit your reading best. I can imagine it must be especially painful for INFJs to be unable to read as much as they want to.
    used to read a lot, not so much the last few months. it makes me tired because my eyes have to strain. i'm getting new glasses next month, so maybe i can start reading again. woo-woo!
    ah, no. just english and french...and american sign-language. so..maybe yes? i want to teach english, if that tells you anything.
    gee wiz, thank you ENFP! I enjoy all of your posts, and I really appreciate your open-mindedness. You truly are an asset to this place, and I'm glad that our paths have crossed.
    mmm...yes. i studied french for three years, and my mother used to teach it.
    can't remember much, tho.
    not a big fan of french, are we? or is it just the extra letters?
    either way, thanks for not eating my flowers-egg. teehee.
    i just laughed out loud. don't eat my fleurs!
    they are my favourite. christmas made them for me, we shall call them "fleurs-oeuf."
    i should change my avatar too. but i have never actually seen a moose in person. and i kinda like my current avatar anyway.
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