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  • Also, INTPf is "down" again (though it's really not down this time, per se).
    Yes, aware. Truthfully, I cannot think of what I would do other than forums, as I tend to conserve energy and do so little... yeah, like I said, I don't really do much on forums. My reason for being on so many forums, one could see, it to curb boredom. I am constantly bored and not really motivated enough to do anything. Research is great and I love learning, but I can't be motivated to do it constantly. If one forum stops being interesting, I can just move to another. Most of my time is spent doing that. However, as I also said before, in college, I plan on putting much of that wasted energy to use by actively researching any subject which interests me, and the ultimate goal is to gain highly specialized knowledge in every subject which interests me (quite a mighty goal, I believe). Any motivational problems which will keep me from this ideal vision of the future... I will tackle when I get there, I suppose. But I will try my hardest to not have a motivational problem, or at least have as little as possible. Why sit any do nothing when in an environment so conducive to learning, with near limitless resources to suit even your wildest fancies? That is my reasoning, currently.
    Lol. At least you can tell now. I feel more prepared, just in case.

    Well, if you really think forums will affect your progress, then I guess you should quit them. The transitional period is kind of depressing though, y'know? You have memories now. Because this Zeldon thing was so impacting, I feel like a whole new person, and so INTPf feels like it's in the past, the old me. The problem is that I can see my future, and it's not going anywhere soon so it's kind of bittersweet to leave it.
    Yeah, now I will just be filled with paranoia on who is trying to brainwash my mind every time I read any posts. One of the things that I have noticed since INTPf went done... is that it no longer has the Celtic cross next to the URL (there is apparently a cat there on this site). Nothing significant, just an observation.


    Eh... I probably end up leaving most of the forums after this summer. I want to not have any distractions towards learning anything I want to once I go into college. I might have to exclude INTPf, though. I suppose I don't really post much on forums, my only real problem is that I regularly use three to four. I know one... that I will definitely try to drop before summer. I might just have to contact a mod and request a permaban... it is about time, anyway.
    Interesting. So what, you're just going to stay here?

    A few weeks ago, on INTPf, Cavalier made a thread saying that she would be leaving permanently. In light of that thread, I questioned why I was on that forum (or any forum for that matter). I always have these doubts about everything. I thought about it, and realized I had no reason to stay there...but I stayed there all the same. I can't let go... of the people, of the ideas, of the incredible warmth and depth of people that always seems to elude me in real life. The people... they are the reason I stay. I suppose it is both a wonderful blessing and a terrible curse. I have met many fascinating and amazing people... and what destroys me is that I don't have a chance to meet them in real life. I dislike a majority of the people around me at any time. Says a lot that most of my only friends are online, and I don't even know if they consider me friends, I suppose... if I had some purpose for going on that forum, then it is not yet complete. But I must be attached to something else... I'm not sure though. Conversations...?

    Eh... I will be back later, and attempt to interpret my chaotic mess of a message I sent you last night.
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