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  • Happy early birthday! :D

    I guess what trips me up the most is that there are a myriad of descriptions and varying definitions of type, functions, etc. I'll read one and it seems to fit, then another that is completely wrong, so that eventually I'm not certain of how much faith I can place in any info I come across.

    Perhaps, this simply isn't a good time for me to verify my type. Too much going on in my life, too unstable. Once things have settled down, I'm sure I'll get a clearer picture.

    I've gone through a fair amount of changes, as well... so, I don't feel I can be sure of what is me, what I was, and what is actually only what I perceive to be me, brought to the forefront in response to life events. Still, you make a good point, I should focus more on trends. :]
    I'm 21, and have researched descriptions and whatnot extensively. I'm just pretty indecisive (a bit of an understatement) and always like "well, what if," "this kind of fits," "but then..." XD

    I had a "type me" thread at one point, too, but didn't really reach much of a conclusion from it.
    INFP? Maybe. ^_^

    I usually test as and feel a connection with INFx, sometimes INTx. I'm not completely certain, and joined here hoping to find an answer, but still wonder. I used to think INFP, before I really knew anything about functions, but now I'm not sure about dominant Fi. It's possible. *shrug*

    Also, this is a belated response, but I am jealous of your Griever necklace. ;D <3
    Am I just imagining it, or is your avatar Final Fantasy related? : D

    (I'm probably just imagining it).
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