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  • Heyyy, quiet people can't make fun of other quiet people:m192:

    You're breaking the rules! :m030:
    I love how I was about to ask you this and you already posted it in such an organized manner. Thank you.^_____^
    :m173: "but I won't do it like a cholo"

    LOLlllllll *bursts out in laugher* XD

    You're doing the serious face thing again! XD

    You need to rep me like a cholo as Black Sheep says, so I can say something too.:m2:
    I mean, you're taking science and business classes. Is that what you are interested in or another area? Are those just classes you have to take or are those what you're interested in?
    I'm not lactose intolerant, it's not like my stomach & intestines... having even the smallest amount of milk/dairy/things with milk or dairy.. totally messes up my sinuses, makes my throat itchy & hard to breathe. & lately it's been giving me a headache & stomach ache & making it reeeally hard to breathe.

    Those sound cool =)
    I'll be taking Developmental Psychology, Dynamics of Personality, Intermediate Spanish I, and Intro. to Ethics. What are you interested in studying? :)
    Haha it's okay. Never heard of it/them, but sounds interesting :) I've just been lining up my classes for next semester and working a ton. Also, I'm pretty sure now that I'm allergic to milk. Random, I know... but now I have to figure out what all I can eat/drink so that's gonna be fun.
    Haha, nope, I must've been thinking of someone else. I do recall reading some posts of yours, at least since you've become a mod, so the first half of what i said still stands. :)

    Did you go to Africa with an organization? I am totally jealous!
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