Recent content by gOpHeR

  1. gOpHeR

    the real you

    Everyone has their quirks and flaws, but you're pretty well balanced for the most part. You're honest when it counts ... You care about yourself, but that doesn't stop you from caring about others, too ... and you know how to have fun without going overboard.
  2. gOpHeR

    Do you wish there were more infj's?

    I don't think the world needs another me!
  3. gOpHeR

    "Life is not necessarily easy for the INFJ"

    Yeah, life is not necessarily easy.<-Period
  4. gOpHeR

    Phantom Smells

    I do too, It's alwayse while I'm doing something and it seems like it comes from another room. As for phantom smells I used to take my girl home for lunch and I'd alwayse smell her on my sheets when I went to bed. After things went sour I changed all the sheets blankets, pillowcases and could...
  5. gOpHeR

    Murder Quiz

    You Scored as Passionate Killer Everyday people with extreme reactions to the emotions they feel, Passionate Killers are completely normal until a triggering event, such as being cheated on or having someone close to them harmed. Passionate Killer60%Not a Killer45%Spree Killer40%Serial...
  6. gOpHeR

    My INFJ friends, counsel me.

    I've never had someone make me banana bread or muffins as a come on. If they did, I think I would be so perplexed I'd have to ask them to marry me.
  7. gOpHeR

    Physical Contact

    I don't like crowds and I don't like being touched except by those select few that I have grown to be comphortable with. Quite frankly I think it's an issue with personal space and sometimes just "Who the fuck do you think you are hugging me?"
  8. gOpHeR

    INTJ asking for relationship assistance

    Walk up to people and just say "hi" and look for a ball to start rolling.
  9. gOpHeR

    T-Mobile's Guerrilla Ad

    I find the idea of participating in a "flash mob" novel, much like people who glue chess pieces to a board then assume the "thinking man" pose for the picture that's taken on a rollercoaster. Both are on my list of things to do before I die.
  10. gOpHeR

    Politics and INFJs.

    Yarr, I be a conservative. And I hate what the 2 party system be doing yarr.
  11. gOpHeR

    Settle for: Love over money?

    It depends on wich means more to you, moving to california and taking on that chapter of your life now, or staying with her because you love her. I'd personally stay because if I love someone I have to be able to be with them. but on the flip side I put little emphasis on money and the only...
  12. gOpHeR

    What Is Love?

    That commercial gave me the warm fuzzies.
  13. gOpHeR

    ideas to reality

    freewrite... just write anything, hell - even copy an article or some song lyrics you have sstuck in your head.
  14. gOpHeR

    What should I get an INFJ girl for Valentine's Day?

    Everyone else has great insight, so on cue here I am to detract from the quality: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess"...
  15. gOpHeR

    INFJs and counselling

    I was court ordered into counseling... I got the most arrogant, condescending son of a bitch who thought he was doing the world a favor and used that attitude to suppress other peoples opinions and personalities when they didn't mesh with his own. He knew people had no choice but to be there or...