T-Mobile's Guerrilla Ad


Waving Sage
Recently 2
My husband just had me google this. For some reason which I can't figure out, it made me burst into tears (happy tears)!
T-Mobile invades busy London rail station

Tom Warren
on 17 January 2009 - 00:37 ·

T-Mobile invaded London's Liverpool Street station yesterday to the shock and amazement of onlookers.

350 dancers performed surprise routines as commuters passed through the concourse of Liverpool Street Station at 11am yesterday. 'Dance', created by Saatchi & Saatchi London, was produced using hidden TV cameras within the station, which captured the reactions of commuters as they watched the dancers perform. The three-minute guerrilla-style ad, which is part of T-Mobile's 'Life's for Sharing' campaign aired tonight on British terrestrial TV.

The dancers were similar to Internet based "flash mobs" where hundreds of people organise to meet in a public place and have water fights, pillow fights or parties. As you can see from the video below, the public were initially shocked but got into the swing of things eventually.

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be in your revolution" -- Emma Goldman

That's so completely awesome.

Kind of stuff that brightens peoples' day.
I simply LOVE these kinds of things!! They totally make my day, and are so much fun! I would so love to be one of the preformers in that, I would have a blast!
It's all the rage these days. I thought it was funny a few years ago, but now... much like most people in my town feel... it just isn't that cool to me anymore.

I find the idea of participating in a "flash mob" novel, much like people who glue chess pieces to a board then assume the "thinking man" pose for the picture that's taken on a rollercoaster.

Both are on my list of things to do before I die.