Grey Wolf
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  • Haha, please, please do! Yeah. Stupid computers seem to secretly run my life...
    Yeah, same here. I'm in my gap year, meaning I just graduated last year and I'm gonna start going to college next summer - hopefully. I wanna study medicine but here you have to take some stupid test to get accepted, ugh! I might study psych if I don't pass, since it sounds really interesting and appealing. But as for now I'm just enjoying life, traveling around - as it should be, haha! Oh, I think next time I'm just gonna send you a private message, these are getting long... How long 'til you get to graduate? Hugs
    Oha, congrats! You must be out partying, haha. But seriously, psych? Good choice!
    Wow, no worries, haha. I kinda feel bad for you. Does that mean to you have finals right now as well? What classes are you taking? Yay, you're my friend! *dances around the kitchen table*
    Wow, a night safari sounds awesome! I'll definitely look into it further! Thanks for the advice, Grey!
    I'll make sure to look for the chinese new year decos. We'll only be there for two days, though - you know, stop over flight from Australia, so I doubt that it'll get boring, haha!
    Orchard Road! My friend and I will be visiting Singapore in late February for a couple of days. :m2:It's a small world!
    Skaven and Skink I should say... Sorry I've made a lot of posts now. He had enough Skinks to fill half a pool table completely.
    One of my friends had a massive Skaven army. The Stegadon was wicked but the Beastmen always gave me trouble.
    Oh wait! It was Empire, not Bretonnia. I had some Bretonnia knights that sucked and I never used. Sorry, it's been like eight years haha.
    I use to play Bretonnia with Dwarf allies! Hah I always got whooped. Everyone feared my volley gun and steam tank though ^_^
    I has become a form of expression to you.

    Same here. I howl(or wanna) when i yawn or Do an EXTREME MOVE! see i do flips and stuff and if i do something crazy-im talking unfreakin believeabl-I like growl-yell so bad!
    it comes offd freaky to some just weird like that.
    if i ever make a vid. i WILL tell you about it and u will most likely see me howling....

    Mines represents how I see myself.

    I am a Brave Tiger/Wolf-monster with incredible power Standing on top of a calling out for many things. plus im looking for something....

    so yeah. mines is REALLy deep. basically overall mines represnts determined Power!....thats just me :yo:
    Hey Grey Wolf,

    Our Avatars are really Alike!

    Does yours simbilize something about yourself az well?
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