Recent content by Haven

  1. Haven

    Need another INFJ view on this.

    If by the off chance you’re still around. I found myself in the same situation at one point not long after moving city. They’re married and have been together for 13 years today. I’m reminded that we’re complex and imperfect creatures
  2. Haven

    [INFJ] Quieting Your Mind

  3. Haven

    Say something nice about people you disagree with politically

    Thank you for challenging my perception of the world.
  4. Haven

    Can I Ever Let Someone Back In To My Heart?

    Only you can answer that question. One thing to accept is that people no matter how close, are on their own journeys and though the decisions they make can effect us, they shouldn’t necessarily be seen as slights against us. The hardships we endure can shape the type person we become, for better...
  5. Haven

    Most depressing movie or literature

    Bridge to Terabithia caught me off Guard.
  6. Haven

    What defines leading someone on? Or being a flirt? And do INFJs do that?

    I'm probably guilty on average of befriending more attractive woman then not. I'm single and frankly physical attraction is the first factor which sparks my interest in a woman. Shallow at first glance yes, but it's hard wired into my DNA. On the other hand it's their personality which maintains...
  7. Haven

    Give the Member Above you a Title

    She who must not be named.
  8. Haven

    Where do i find infj girls to date?

    Their not possessions.
  9. Haven

    Do we really seek purpose?

    Every time the topic of finding purpose in ones life comes up, I'm always reminded of the film unbreakable staring Bruce Willis and Samuel Jackson. The whole movie is pretty much based around the question of who are we, why are we here.
  10. Haven

    Monogamy and heartbreak

    Way to make this thread about you bro!
  11. Haven

    What does the tendency to "hold back" really mean?

    +1 the lights are on but no ones home.
  12. Haven

    Noticed anything today?

    I talked with this girl I use to crush on, she's coming down with a chest infection. I told her I'm getting over one to, I noticed she didn't get what I meant.
  13. Haven

    Do INFJs seem to have a hard time just accepting love?

    Long story short, abandonment issues as a child and losing my grandfather at 18. Made me really bitter about love.
  14. Haven

    Marriage and Divorce

    Marriage is a Facebook status, right above its complicated.