Community Member
- Infj
- Enneagram
- 9w1 The Dreamer
Ok so last year a very close friend of mine who I use to live with, meet this girl from overseas while he was studying, over the months he would confess his feelings for her to me.I was happy for him because pior to their meeting, his out look on life had definitely become bleak, with talks of loneliness and whispers of depression, So as they spent more time together,I noticed the life creep back into his eyes. One day however I noticed a change in his demeanor, when I asked what was bothering him, he told me that she was married and that the husband was the reason she was able to also study over here. He asked for my opinion, so after a lengthy discussion, I said i didnt think it was right for him to pursue a relationship with a married woman past that of a friendship, though he agreed on what I was saying, I could see his resolve was doubtful,but i trusted that he would do what was right, and considered the matter closed.
However as time past, because they worked together on assignments in and out of class, she began to come over more and more, his excuse was, it was easyer for them to work from home then at tech. I was alittle skeptical, and hardly naive, I could see where this was heading, and so as time would have it my friend eventully mustered the courage to tell me the truth and that they had recently been arguing because the husband was coming from overseas to see her, he also mentioned that he didnt tell me about the relationship sooner because he was scared of what i might think, and he was right I lost alot of respect for him after that, however i could see that he was genuinely upset at the notion of her in another mans arms, as he began to cry, I comforted him as any friend would, but deep down felt more for the unsuspecting husband. So it was by chance i happend across Her and the husband in town together, by now she was well informed that i knew about the relationship, I could see the uneasy fear in her eyes as i walked closer and she was right to fear me, the truth was mere steps away for her husband, my morale code screamed to be appeased, but it was loyalty to my friend that I said nothing.
To this day im unsure if the husband ever found out about his cheating wife, she ended up moving back overseas, i dont know if she and my friend kept in contact and im not sure if I really want to know. All I know is after everything died down, i felt extremely for lack of better words Fucked Off, that some how my morales were silenced by my friend, i felt like i was part of their dirty little secret, it botherd me and still does to this day. So whats your guys take on all this, what would you have done, Am I wrong for feeling so strongly about this, if so how would you feel in this situation?
However as time past, because they worked together on assignments in and out of class, she began to come over more and more, his excuse was, it was easyer for them to work from home then at tech. I was alittle skeptical, and hardly naive, I could see where this was heading, and so as time would have it my friend eventully mustered the courage to tell me the truth and that they had recently been arguing because the husband was coming from overseas to see her, he also mentioned that he didnt tell me about the relationship sooner because he was scared of what i might think, and he was right I lost alot of respect for him after that, however i could see that he was genuinely upset at the notion of her in another mans arms, as he began to cry, I comforted him as any friend would, but deep down felt more for the unsuspecting husband. So it was by chance i happend across Her and the husband in town together, by now she was well informed that i knew about the relationship, I could see the uneasy fear in her eyes as i walked closer and she was right to fear me, the truth was mere steps away for her husband, my morale code screamed to be appeased, but it was loyalty to my friend that I said nothing.
To this day im unsure if the husband ever found out about his cheating wife, she ended up moving back overseas, i dont know if she and my friend kept in contact and im not sure if I really want to know. All I know is after everything died down, i felt extremely for lack of better words Fucked Off, that some how my morales were silenced by my friend, i felt like i was part of their dirty little secret, it botherd me and still does to this day. So whats your guys take on all this, what would you have done, Am I wrong for feeling so strongly about this, if so how would you feel in this situation?